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Human Health Risk Assessments

image of two childrenA primary focus for NCEA scientists is conducting human health risk assessments. Through these assessments, EPAs scientists seek to provide citizens and regulators with information about pollutants or naturally occurring compounds that are linked to health problems. The questions addressed by risk assessments include what types of health problems are caused by substances in the environment, how likely is it that people will experience problems when exposed at different levels, and how severe this harm likely to be. The answers to these questions provide decision makers with the scientific information they need to make informed decisions about actions that may be taken to protect human health.

The health problems NCEA scientists are working to protect against include respiratory illnesses, cancers, cardiac disease, birth defects, and neurological impairments. To conduct its assessments, NCEA relies on the results of scientific research produced in its sister organizations within EPAs Office of Research and Development and in research centers across the country and around the world. Assessments have been produced for hundreds of compounds including some high-profile ones like asbestos, arsenic, and lead. These are available on-line through a searchable database called the Integrated Risk Information System or IRIS. NCEA scientists also produce high-profile risk assessments known as Air Quality Integrated Science Assessments for six widespread air pollutants that are known to pose health risks.

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