Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. VPL Climate and Radiative Transfer Models

    Project Investigators: David Crisp, Javier Martin-Torres

    Other Project Members

    Robinson Tyler (Doctoral Student)


    This project develops models of planetary atmospheres and surface temperature to allow us to model extra solar terrestrial planetary environments and to understand what they would look like to distant observers.

    Astrobiology Roadmap Objectives:

    Project Progress

    VPL employs a spectrum-resolving surface/atmosphere radiative transfer model, called the Spectral Mapping Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SMART) model. SMART has been used to simulate the reflected stellar and emitted thermal spectra of a wide range of realistic terrestrial planetary environments (c.f. Meadows and Crisp, 1996; 2004; Crisp, 1997; Segura et al. 2003; 2005; Tinetti et al. 2005; 2006; Kiang et al. 2007). This model would be ideal for generating the radiative heating and cooling rates used by the VPL climate model, but it was too computationally slow for this application. Over the past year, we implemented a new approach that improves the speed of SMART, while preserving its accuracy and range of validity. This approach employs spectrally dependent “radiance Jacobians,” similar to the “weighting functions” used in remote sensing algorithms. Jacobians specify the rate of change of the radiance at any wavelength with changes in the temperature or optical properties of the surface or any layer of the atmosphere. In a time-marching climate model, the radiative fluxes and heating rates for the initial time step are based on a time-consuming, SMART calculation. For subsequent steps, wavelength-dependent fluxes are approximated by a first order Taylor series expansion, using the Jacobians to adjust values for changes in the atmospheric and surface thermal structure and optical properties. The adjusted fluxes are then integrated to yield heating and cooling rates at a tiny fraction of the cost of a full SMART calculation. This approach was validated using the 1-D VPL Climate model. We found that if the thermal structure or optical properties change dramatically as the environment relaxes to equilibrium, a full SMART calculation must be repeated from time to time to preserve the accuracy of the heating rates. However, this approach still dramatically improves the computational speed.

    In addition to upgrading SMART for use in climate applications, this year SMART was upgraded to model non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (non-LTE) effects and upper atmospheric airglow phenomena (Martin-Torres et al., 2008). This upgrade has been validated on observations of the planet Venus, and additional observations of Venus and Mars airglow have been acquired from the Kitt Peak Observatory (PI: Tom Slanger) and are being analyzed with the new model. Work is also currently underway to add speed dependence to the existing line-mixing modules in SMART. This will give SMART additional versatility in modeling a range of extrasolar planet environments and atmospheric condition.

    Mission Involvement

    Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) Mission
    Dr. David Crisp is the Principal Investigator of the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) Mission. This is the first NASA mission designed to monitor atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) with the spatial resolution, sensitivity, and accuracy needed quantify surface fluxes of CO2 on regional scales at monthly intervals over the seasonal cycle. OCO is currently scheduled for launch in January 2009. The spacecraft carries single instrument that incorporates 3 high resolution imaging grating spectrometers designed to measure the absorption of reflected sunlight in near infrared CO2 and molecular oxygen (O2) bands. These spectra are analyzed with advanced remote sensing retrieval algorithms to yield spatially resolved estimates of the column averaged CO2 dry air mole fraction, XCO2, with accuracies of 0.3% (1 ppm out of 380 ppm) on regional scales (1000 km by 1000 km). The OCO XCO2 retrievals will be analyzed with chemical tracer transport models to discriminate natural CO2 sinks such as photosynthesis and ocean acidification from natural sources such as respiration and human induced sources including fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning, cement manufacture, etc. This information is expected to improve our understanding of the processes regulating the rate of increase of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere and its impact on the global climate.