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Sugar Under Tariff Rate Quotas - Licensing Applications and Reporting Procedures

Sugar Under Tariff Rate Quotas (Raw Sugar TRQ; Refine Sugar TRQ; Specialty Sugar TRQ)

Licensing Applications and Reporting Procedures

How to Apply for a Specialty Sugar Certificate

Sugar imported (entered) into U.S. Customs territory under the specialty sugar TRQ must be accompanied by a specialty sugar certificate valid on that entry date.

FY 2007 (October 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007) Specialty Sugar TRQ

On 7/27/06, the Department established the FY 2007 specialty sugar TRQ.  On 7/31/07, the FY 2007 specialty sugar TRQ was increased by 20,000 short tons (18,144 metric tons) (Link to July 31 Press Release), and this 6th tranche of the FY 2007 specialty sugar TRQ will open September 10, 2007. 

Specialty sugar certificates issued for the FY 2007 4th (5/1/07) or 5th (7/24/07) tranches of the FY 2007 specialty sugar TRQ will be valid for the 6th tranche.  New applications will also be accepted.

FY 2008 Specialty Sugar TRQ

USDA Announces Fiscal Year 2008 Sugar Program (08/10/07)

The tranches of the FY 2008 specialty sugar TRQ will open as follows:

Tranche 1 – Opens 10/24/2007 –   1,656 metric tons

Tranche 2 – Opens 11/15/2007 – 22,544 metric tons

Tranche 3 – Opens 01/30/2008 – 13,653 metric tons

Tranche 4 – Opens 05/14/2008 – 13,653 metric tons

Tranche 5 – Opens 08/27/2008 – 13,653 metric tons

The second, third, fourth and fifth tranches will be reserved for organic sugar and other specialty sugars not currently produced commercially in the United States or reasonably available from domestic sources.

What is Specialty Sugar? 

Specialty sugar means:   brown slab sugar (also known as slab sugar candy), pearl sugar (also known as perl sugar, perle sugar, and nibs sugar), vanilla sugar, rock candy, demerara sugar, dragees for cooking and baking, fondant (a creamy blend of sugar and glucose), ti light sugar (99.2% sugar with the residual comprised of the artificial sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame K), caster sugar, golden syrup, ferdiana granella grossa, golden granulated sugar, muscovado, molasses sugar, sugar decorations, sugar cubes, and other sugars, as determined by the United States Trade Representative, that would be considered specialty sugar products within the normal commerce of the United States. Organic sugar is considered a specialty sugar. In addition, specialty sugars are sugar, syrups, or molasses described in subheading 1701.11.10, 1701.12.10, 1701.91.10, 1701.99.10, 1702.90.10, or 2106.90.44 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the United States. However, the specialty sugar TRQ does not include HTS tariff line 1701.11.10, and is limited to those sugars whose content of sugar by weight, in the dry state, corresponds to a polarimeter reading of 99.5 degrees or more:.

An importer or the importer's agent must present a specialty sugar certificate, valid for that tranche, to the appropriate customs official when the specialty sugar enters the customs territory of the United States.  Entry of specialty sugar within the TRQ shall be allowed only in conformity with the conditions and limitations stated in the certificate.

Issuance of a certificate does not guarantee the entry of any specific shipment of specialty sugar at a zero or nominal rate of duty, but only permits entry of such sugar if the TRQ is not already filled.

Importers are encouraged to check the U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site for updated Quota Book Transmittal (QBT) reports for information about any special procedures which may apply on TRQ opening dates:

To apply for a specialty sugar certificate, fax, email, or courier the following information:

  • The name and street address of the applicant; must be an importer with a US place of business.
  • A statement of the anticipated quantity of specialty sugars to be imported;
  • The appropriate six digit HTS subheading number;
  • A description of the specialty sugar the importer expects to import during the period of the certificate, including the manufacturer's or exporter's usual trade name or designation. A description of the traditional use of such specialty sugar, and the importer's intended use of such specialty sugar;
  • Importers of organic sugar are asked to supply a copy of the certification(s);
  • Sufficient evidence to permit the Certifying Authority to make a reasonable determination that such sugars are specialty sugars within the definition of specialty sugars in this subpart;
  • The name of the anticipated consumer of the specialty sugars, if known at time of application; and
  • The anticipated date of entry, if known at time of application.

Applications may be faxed to:  202-720-0876

or emailed to:

or sent by courier to:

Import and Trade Support Programs Division
Office of Trade Programs, FAS/USDA
Suite 400
1250 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20024

For further information, please call 202-720-0638.