Welcome to the Iowa Department of Public Health

IDPH strives to improve the quality of the life for all Iowans

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WIC Food Program to Change (08/25/09) More >>

Unintentional Poisonings Increase in Iowa (08/14/09) More >>

Keeping the Fair Healthy (08/13/09) More >>

First Human West Nile Virus Case of 2009 (08/07/09) More >>

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Topics of Interest

Keep your cool! Hot and humid weather can be dangerous. IDPH reminds Iowans that infants, children less than five, and those over 65 years of age are especially at risk for heat illness. Take care of yourself and others, and be aware of the signs of heat illness.  More >>

Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Information
Public health officials in Iowa, across the nation, and throughout the world continue to investigate outbreaks of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. Several cases have been reported in Iowa and additional cases are expected.  More >>

Lyme disease is a yearly concern in the Midwest, where cases of the tick-borne illness have been steadily increasing over the past decade. There were 105 cases of Lyme disease reported to IDPH in 2008; four cases have been reported so far in 2009. Most cases occur in northeast Iowa. Basic precautions can help prevent Lyme disease.  More >>

IDPH continues to coordinate the activities of several key advisory bodies to help implement the sweeping health care reform legislation passed during the 2008 session. Also known as the Health Care Reform Bill, the measure is based on legislative recommendations and a proposal by the Governor.  More >>