NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Special Note

    Ask an Astrobiologist has received nearly a thousand questions about Nibiru and 2012, with more than 200 answers posted. Please read a summary of the answers that have already been posted, use the search feature and read the FAQ’s before submitting questions on these topics.

  1. Question

    Following are recent comments (not questions) on the Nibiru/2012 hoax, sent to Ask an Astrobiologist.

    (3/16) Thank you so much. NASA provides an excellent service to the community with this forum! (2/24) I've had so much fun looking through old questions and think it is great that NASA has someone so efficiant working on a project like this. Love the site. (2/16) If Nibiru is not real, then why all the panic about it? Why even mention it? (2/12) A day does not pass without me deeply worring about these predictions. I am only 15 and going through a very important year at school, however I often struggle to concentrate in my lesson because I am frightened of these theories about 2012. (2/09) I think that it is important to tell all those scared people that everything is alright and they can live in peace. (2/07) Thank you so much for your patience with these 2012 questions!! It means so much to us all that you take the time to answer them, as they do breed so much fear. It has had me in fear for myself and my child's welfare for WAY too long. (2/05) This "Nibiru/2012" nonsense is spreading like wildfire and is causing some people I know stress/anxiety. The question is, why can't Nasa make a public announcement about the whole thing and just state the facts to the public. (1/26) You have no idea how much better you made me feel. I’ve been worrying about 2012 since the day i saw it on the discovery channel!! (1/19) Who is telling you David Morrison to give disinformation to the public? Why does the government continually have to lie? Every decade that goes by without public disclosure of what they know about UFO's, EBE's, technology and science is another decade of cover ups, disinformation and it will be that much more difficult to tell the public. Screw you NASA for lying to the public. (1/18) I thought nasa was stupid but you proved it. (1/15) I noticed that another person is looking for answers and other sites that could explain all the 2012 stuff. She reminds me of myself a few months back. I at one point used to shake, cry, and feel helpless for myself and children over this. Now I look back and think "How could I have believed that". (1/09) My husband came home yesterday and said that a guy he works with is claiming that in December of 2012 that there is going to be a big storm or something. This guy is so serious that he spent a lot of money on a bomb shelter. I don't know what to believe and so I am hoping to get some kind of insight on what is going on. (1/08) Amid all the 2012 stuff on the internet and on the history channel, I was one of those pulled into the "hole" and became depressed. You helped pull me out of that hole by giving straight, honest answers about 2012, planet x and other things. Thank you. I appreciate you. (1/07) How many kids have you lied to about 2012?

    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    April 14, 2009