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…at the beginning of private label development in Russia these products were positioned in the medium price category, i.e. as slightly cheaper alternatives to manufacturers’ brands.

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PMR Consulting is a division of PMR Ltd., a British-American company based in Poland. We offer a wide range of consulting services in Central and Eastern Europe for foreign companies interested in the region. Our typical projects include: Competitive Intelligence and strategic advisory as well as consulting at foreign direct investments or Mergers & Acquisitions.

PMR Consulting offers a unique combination of the advice and experience of successful British, American and local business professionals, together with a dedicated team of consultants who know Central and Eastern European markets. Thanks to our network of partners throughout Eastern Europe we are able to provide comprehensive regional services as well as consulting services for each individual East European country.

We cover the following Central and Eastern European countries: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Ukraine as well as Turkey.

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PMR Consulting News PMR Crisis Aid Kit
It might seem implausible, but yes, here at PMR we believe that the financial crisis might actually be beneficial, but only if the opportunities are properly used. As a consultancy and advisory firm specialising in the Central Eastern Europe we have prepared a set of executive summaries grouped into the PMR Crisis Aid Kit, which show opportunities that could be found in the countries of the region. If someone asks 'How can I save money and increase sales?', we answer 'Explore opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe'. [...]
PMR Consulting News Market research of the scaffolding and formworks markets in Russia.
PMR has completed a project for the global leader in manufacturing scaffolding and formworks, namely a market analysis of the Russian construction market, targeted at measuring the demand for our client's products both historically and in the near future. The study also analysed our client's competitive position as compared with the other manufacturers and distributors of scaffolding and formworks, both domestic Russian manufacturers and importers and distributors.  [...]
PMR Consulting News Sourcing project in CEE for one of the biggest global mining companies.
Working for one of the world's leading mining companies, PMR organised a screening process in order to establish key directions and targets for the further development of our client's supply base in Central Eastern Europe. As part of the project the PMR team established in which of the region's countries potential suppliers exist, what their capacity and experience is, and, last but not least, if they have the necessary experience to become a supplier [...]
PMR Consulting News Market research on medical devices in Hungary for an international manufacturer
PMR Consulting completed a market research project on the medical devices market in Hungary. The report was prepared with the use of PMR MarketInsight methodology and offers information on the Hungarian economic, business, legal and political environments as well as presenting the market of the selected medical devices, including forecasts for the following years.  [...]
PMR Consulting News PMR Consulting identified the 200 biggest FMCG companies in Russia and Ukraine
PMR has just completed research for an international supplier of infrastructure and services for mobile business solutions. In order to sell its products on the Russian and Ukrainian markets the company was interested in finding potential clients. PMR Consultants identified 800 companies that are active in the Russian and Ukrainian FMCG sectors. In the second stage of the research we shortlisted the file of the most promising companies to less than 250 and ranked them according to the client's criteria.  [...]
PMR Consulting News Partner search for major Western European clothing company
PMR Consulting has recently completed a partner search study on the fashion retail market in 8 Central & Eastern European countries. The study involved screening major retail operators against initial requirements our client had specified regarding its future potential partners in the region. The study was conducted in 8 different local languages and was prepared within a short time-period. [...]
PMR Consulting News CI study on project management fees within the Polish construction sector
PMR Consulting has just finished a competitive intelligence project on project management fees within the Polish construction sector. The final deliverable of the project included information on specific project types, including project value, contractor, location and information on project management, including the PM company name and its fee. [...]
PMR Consulting News PMR assists an international enterprise mobility systems provider in Central and Eastern Europe
Our client, an international enterprise mobility systems provider in Central and Eastern Europe, needed a quick consulting service with regard to legal opinion on the supervisory board in Poland. PMR Consultants quickly gathered the necessary information through conducting desk research as well as consulting our legal experts within three working days. As a result, our client was able to make an informed and legal decision with regard to their company's operations in Poland. [...]
PMR Consulting News A sourcing study for one of the leading oil and gas companies
PMR Consulting has just completed research for one of the biggest companies involved in the oil and gas industry in the world. Planning to improve their supply chain the company asked us to conduct research regarding new potential partners able to supply a particular raw material used in our client's production process. Our work covered the Baltic countries, the Balkans, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. [...]
PMR Consulting News International construction materials producer enters a Russian market
PMR has just completed research for an international construction materials producer. The client plans to enter the Russian market and was interested in the competitive landscape as well as potential distributors in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. PMR Consultants identified companies in Russia active in the construction materials sector and interviewed them in order to provide an up-to-date picture on their business. [...]
PMR Consulting News Polish state investment of EUR 35 bn in transport infrastructure hoped to partially offset crisis influence on the economy
Simultaneously with the moment of Polish government signing an EUR 1.7 bn contract under a PPP (Public Private Partnership) system for A1 motorway construction and operation with targeted completion at the EURO 2012 football games, PMR Consulting has just published a White Paper summarizing Polish ambitious plans to extend and upgrade the national road network in terms both of motorways and expressway construction and refurbishment. [...]

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