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MarineFisheries Review

Inside front cover

Biology of Eggs, Larvae, and Epipelagic Juveniles of Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria,
in Relation to Their Potential Use in Management

by Arthur W. Kendall, Jr., and Ann C. Matarese

Movements of Brown Shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, and Pink Shrimp, P. duorarum,
Relative to the U.S.-Mexico Border in the Western Gulf of Mexico

by Peter F. Sheridan, Frank J. Patella, Jr., Neal Baxter, and Dennis A. Emiliani

Special Section
The Cooperative MEXUS-Gulf Research Program: Summary Reports for 1977-85


MEXUS-Gulf Shrimp Research, 1978-84
by Edward F Klima, Refugio Gmo. Castro Melendez, Neal Baxter, Frank J. Patella, Terry J. Cody, and Loretta F. Sullivan

MEXUS-Gulf Demersal Fish Research, 1978-85
by Elmer J. Gutherz

MEXUS-Gulf Coastal Pelagic Fish Research, 1977-84
by Eugene L. Nakamura

MEXUS-Gulf Ichthyoplankton Research, 1977-84
by William J. Richards

MEXUS-Gulf Remote Sensing and Technology Research, 1977-84
by Andrew J. Kemmerer, Thomas D. Leming, and Walter F. Gandy

MEXUS-Gulf Sea Turtle Research, 1977-85
by Frederick H. Berry


NOAA/NMFS Developments

Foreign Fishery Developments


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