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MarineFisheries Review


Industry Outlook for Greater Utilization of Hake Products
by Lee J. Weddig

Names of the Hakes
by Daniel M. Cohen

World Utilization of Hake
by Donald R. Whitaker

South American Hakes: The Resource and Its Utilization
by George G. Giddings

The Silver Hake Stocks and Fishery
off the Northeastern United States

by E. D. Anderson, F. E. Lux, and F. P. Almeida

Handling Whiting Aboard Fishing Vessels
by Joseph J. Licciardello

Silver Hake-A Prospectus
by Paul M. Earl

Utilization of Red Hake
by J. M. Regenstein, H. O. Hultin, M. Fey, and S. D. Kelleher

Evaluation of a Prototype Fish Cleaning Machine With
Proposals for a Commercial Processing Line

by J. M. Mendelsohn and J. G. Callan

A Survey on Whiting Fillet Blocks
by Carmine Gorga and Kevin J. Allen

Markets for Hake
by Irene S. Gendron

Frozen Storage Characteristics of Whiting Blocks
by Joseph J. Licciardello, Elinor M. Ravesi, and Michael G. Allsup

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