Amber Waves cover, June 2007
Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America

June 2007

| United States Department of Agriculture | Economic Research Service
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Data Feature Heading
Photo:  Large bowl of potato chips

by Lisa Mancino

Includes audio podcast interview

Behavioral economics reveals new possibilities for more healthful food choices.

Photo: Farmer looking at a soil sample
The Importance of Farm Program Payments to Farm Households

by Robert A. Hoppe

Government payments are a small share of income for
most farms.

Photo: Spinach field

Outbreak Linked to Spinach Forces Reassessment of Food Safety Practices

by Linda Calvin

Producers and Government agencies seek science-based practices to reduce risk at the minimum cost.

Photo: Woman looking at a label on a can in the grocery store

Struggling To Feed the Family:
What Does It Mean To Be Food Insecure?

by Mark Nord and Mark Prell

Food insecurity statistics shed light on hardships households face in meeting their food needs.