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Iraq and Afghanistan

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, prompted an immediate and justified American response that removed the Taliban-backed regime in Afghanistan. Later, American forces toppled the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, ultimately allowing free elections in that troubled nation. I supported both of these actions, and I later supported the surge of forces into Iraq that has essentially ended the long stalemate there and brought us to the point of victory. At times I disagreed with the way the Iraqi campaign was conducted, but not with its ultimate aim, a freely elected government that would no longer brutalize Iraqi citizens, export violence or support terrorism.
Mary Delivers Letters from Oklahoma School Children to Troops Serving in Iraq Following the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, terrorist forces obviously saw that country as the front line. Al Qaeda and other notorious terrorist groups moved into Iraq in an effort to discourage American resolve. They did not succeed, and the surge of forces into Iraq finally shifted momentum there, attracting increasing support from the Iraqi government and people. The surge has clearly worked, dramatically reducing violence and casualties. American forces will remain in Iraq for some time, acting more and more in advisory and support roles. In the 110th Congress, I opposed any effort to force an early withdrawal by defunding our troops and the war effort. Moving forward I will continue to do so.
We enter 2009 with a new emphasis on securing Afghanistan. A resurgent Taliban there must be confronted and defeated. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I will continue to monitor American military efforts in the region and in the global war on terror. I believe in one basic principle involving the use of military force – once we have decided that military action is necessary for the security of the United States, we must commit the manpower and resources necessary to win and give our fighting men and women our full support.