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Illegal Immigration

Immigration reform at the federal level is long overdue. While Washington drags its heels, states like Oklahoma are forced to adopt a patchwork of immigration laws that, taken together, further add to the chaos of a system that is already broken. For the sake of both our national and economic security, Congress should act quickly to adopt common sense solutions to close our porous borders. We cannot claim this country is safe nor can we protect American workers and taxpayers when we do not know who is here and whether or not they are working legally.  

In the 110th Congress I was an active supporter of the bipartisan SAVE Act, legislation that offers a practical solution to the problem of unchecked illegal immigration. I continue to support this bill and push for the measures outlined within it. These measures include:

  • The creation of physical barriers like walls and fences on our Southern border
  • The addition of thousands of new Border Patrol agents
  • The use of advanced technologies like aerial surveillance at our borders
  • The creation of an employer e-verification system used to confirm the legal status of employees 

If we embrace the solutions outlined in the SAVE Act, we can successfully control the flow of immigrants into the U.S. and discourage employers from hiring workers who have come here illegally. Moving forward, we should ensure that the rule of law always prevails and those who have broken our laws intentionally do not receive amnesty. Additionally, special privileges, like in-state tuition, should not be offered to those living in this country illegally.