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A Culture of Life

I believe life begins at conception and that every child, born or unborn, has an inalienable right to that life. My goal is to help eliminate the tragedy of abortion, to encourage alternatives like adoption and to foster a culture that respects the most vulnerable among us.

As a member of the Pro Life Caucus and the Values Action Team I have fought to limit abortion and to remove funding for foreign organizations that promote abortion as a means of family planning.  I have consistently opposed the use of taxpayer money to fund abortion either here or abroad, and I will continue to shine a light on the horrible practice of forced abortion in foreign countries like China.

An important part of any pro-life agenda is the strengthening of incentives for adoption. To this end, I lent my support to the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, a bill that made it illegal for an employer or a health insurance company to use a child’s genetic information to discriminate against that person or family. This protects those families giving birth to or adopting special needs children from being unfairly penalized by their health insurance provider or employer.

Pro Life Activists Gather on the National Mall on the Aniversary of Roe v. WadeMary Addresses Pro Life Activists at the 'March for Life'