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Weiner in the News


"Right now, I am working on one of the most important issues facing Americans today – fixing our nation’s broken health care system."

Weiner at Work

NEWS: Weiner Praises GOP Strong Defense of Single-Payer Health Plan

“The GOP ‘Senior’s Health Care Bill of Rights’ finally stands up in defense of what I and many others have long supported – single-payer, government-funded, and government-administered healthcare. After 44 years of bad-mouthing the program, they've come around. I welcome their vote on my effort to extend single-payer to all Americans. If they want it for seniors, why not for all?"

NEWS: Weiner on No Cost of Living Adjustment for Seniors

"To say that the costs for seniors will not go up for two years is to pretend that the laws of economic gravity don't apply to older people.   Rent is up.  Health care costs are up.  And the interest rates on savings accounts are virtually zero.   The purpose of the COLA is to help seniors keep up.  The actuaries seem to have forgotten that mission."

Weiner Turns to Army Corps for Help with Riptides in Rockaway

In a letter to the Army Cops Lt. General Van Antwerp, Congressman Weiner wrote, “I have fought hard to secure funding for the Army Corps’ $4 million study of beach erosion, but it wont be complete if doesn’t closely examine the serious safety concerns for swimmers and recommendations for structural changes to prevent drownings.”