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    Thank you for visiting my website. The information available here is intended to provide important services to you, the constituents of Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or comments that you may have about current events, pending legislation, or ideas about how we can improve our community. Please also feel free to give us your input on how we can constantly improve this website.

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News Releases 2009

  • Klein Pushes Forward on Domestic, Foreign Policy Issues Affecting South Floridians

    Boca Raton, FL – Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) zigzagged the district, working on domestic and foreign policy issues affecting South Floridians this week. During more than two dozen meetings and events this week, he continued advancing the conversation on health care, the Homeowner's Defense Act, clean energy, supporting veterans and foreign policy dealing with Iran.

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  • Klein Calls Meeting with Federal, State and Local Leaders to Coordinate H1N1 Flu Response

    Boca Raton, FL – Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) Tuesday joined local and state officials for a briefing in advance of the H1N1 flu season. With students returning to school and senior citizens returning home to South Florida for the fall and winter, Congressman Klein called a meeting with local and state leaders to ensure they coordinate with the federal government to prepare South Floridians.

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  • Klein to Host Health Care Telephone Town Hall

    Boca Raton, FL – Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) will host a health care telephone town hall Wednesday August 26, at 7:30 p.m. as part of his on-going health care listening tour. Congressman Klein will discuss health care reform and answer specific questions on health care from constituents.

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