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August 11, 2009: Rep. John Lewis Comments on the Death of Eunice Kennedy Shriver

      I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of Eunice Kennedy Shriver this morning in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  Over the years I had had the opportunity to come to know her, but there was one experience I will always remember.

August 6, 2009: Rep. John Lewis Applauds the Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor

“Today, on the 44th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act, this nation has taken another step to affirm its commitment to equal access in our democracy.   The Senate made history today when it confirmed Judge Sonia Sotomayor as the first Latina Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  Judge Sotomayor is highly qualified to serve in this capacity.  Her judicial record reveals a brilliant legal mind, an abiding respect for the law, and a balanced, fair approach to making decisions on the bench.  I believe she will serve with great distinction to defend the principle of equal justice under the law.

August 6, 2009: Lewis Bill Would End Threat to Public Transportation

The downfall of insurance company giant AIG could not only cause Atlanta businesses to close, it could bring public transportation to a grinding halt, if something is not done.  That is why Rep. John Lewis introduced a bill, H.R. 3439 the Close the SILO/LILO Loophole Act of 2009.

July 30, 2009: Rep. John Lewis Comments on 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients

“I want to congratulate all the recipients of the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom.  They have all made contributions that have led to the betterment of our society.  These individuals serve as a source of inspiration for all of us, but especially for young people, who study the lives of these men and women and learn a great deal.

July 29, 2009: Rep. John Lewis Advances Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Program

Rep. John Lewis introduced a bill that authorizes the Secretary of State to initiate a Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Program that will foster the ideals of non-violence  and peaceful social transformation.



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