Congressman Deal Announces Public Events in the District for the August Recess

Tele-Town Hall Meetings

Rep. Deal will hold Tele-Town Hall meetings on August 24th at 7:10 p.m. and on August 27th at 7:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for Mr. Deal to hear your concerns and answer questions you may have for him via teleconference.

August 24th Tele-Town Hall Meeting

This meeting will include the following counties: Dawson, Fannin, Forsyth, Hall, Lumpkin, Pickens, Union, and White.

August 27th Tele- Town Hall Meeting

This meeting will include the following counties: Catoosa, Dade, Gilmer, Gordon, Murray, Walker, and Whitfield.

If you are a resident of these counties you should be receiving a phone call at the specified time above on the date in which your county is included. At this time, should you want to participate, you will be forwarded to the teleconference. If you would like to be assured ahead of time that you will be able to participate in the meeting, please feel free to call us at any of our offices and give us your phone number.

Public Forums

Wednesday, August 12

Rep. Deal will speak to the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce at 8:00 a.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. The Gainesville Civic Center is located at 830 Green Street, N.E Gainesville, GA 30501.

Thursday, August 13

Rep. Deal will speak to the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce at 12:00 p.m. at the Lakeview Center in Dawsonville. The Lakeview Center is located at 2057 Dawson Forest Road East Dawsonville, GA 30534.

Rep. Deal votes ‘NO’ on Healthcare Reform in the Energy and Commerce Committee

On Friday, July 31st, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce passed H.R. 3200, the Democrat healthcare overhaul legislation. Congressman Deal, the Ranking Republican of the Subcommittee on Health within the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, joined all of his Republican Colleagues and five Democrats in opposition to the healthcare overhaul package. Unfortunately, H.R. 3200 was favorably passed out of the Committee by a vote of 31 – 28.

Congressman Deal Offers Amendment to Prohibit Illegal Immigrants from Receiving Taxpayer Funded Healthcare

During the Energy and Commerce Committee mark-up of the Democrat healthcare reform proposal, Rep. Deal offered an amendment to ensure that illegal immigrants are not allowed to get US taxpayer-funded Medicaid benefits. The amendment offered by Rep. Deal would maintain the requirement in current law that all State Medicaid programs verify the citizenship status and identity of all applicants for Medicaid coverage. Rep. Deal was the author of this citizenship-verification requirement when it was originally enacted in 2006, and this amendment would have prevented the Democrats’ health reform bill from undermining this requirement. Unfortunately, the amendment was defeated on a largely party-line vote of 28 Yeas and 29 Nays.

Rep. Deal discusses Healthcare reform on C-SPAN

Congressman Deal appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on July 30, 2009, to discuss his concerns with the Democrat’s Healthcare Bill and his views on the issues surrounding healthcare reform.

Congressman Deal speaks out on Healthcare Legislation

Rep. Deal asks “Where are the jobs?” on the House Floor

Click Here for a written copy of Representative Deal’s Floor Statement

Congressman Deal’s Opening Statement on Democrat’s Healthcare Plan

Click here to watch a video of Congressman Deal’s Opening Statement at the Committee Mark-up

Rep. Deal Addresses Georgia’s Water Issues on the House Floor

Congressman Deal spoke on the House Floor on July 15, 2009 in support of his amendment which he offered to H.R. 3183 The Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. The amendment would have prohibited funds from being used to delay the Corp of Engineers in its continued efforts in updating the water control manuals, which is a key step to addressing Georgia’s water needs.

Click Here for a written copy of Representative Deal’s Floor Statement on his amendment

Click Here to watch Representative Deal speak on his amendment on the House Floor

Click Here for a written copy of Representative Deal’s Colloquy on the House Floor

Click Here to watch Representative Deal offer his Colloquy on the House Floor

Rep. Deal Votes “No” on Cap-and-Trade bill

Representative Deal voted against HR 2454, the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009”, also known as the Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Trade bill. It passed by a vote of 219 to 212.

In the state of Georgia alone, it is estimated this bill will cause the loss of more than 41,000 jobs in the year 2010, and the loss of over 73,000 jobs in 2011.

Click Here for a written copy of Representative Deal’s floor statement

Click Here to watch Representative Deal speak on the Cap-and-Trade bill on the House floor

Help for the Recently Unemployed:

As you know, our economy is in a precarious state. I know that many of you as well as your families have felt this downturn firsthand. Unfortunately, Georgia’s unemployment recently reached 8.6%. I share your concerns about our nation’s future and I am working hard with other members of Congress to find solutions for our economic decline. To help you find work now, Georgia has a number of resources for job seekers.

Transparency in Government: Transportation Authorization Requests

This year, through the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU) I have submitted various transportation project requests for authorization funding. After reviewing all of the project requests, I have made sure that all government entities requesting funding in the surface transportation authorization act will result in tangible transportation and safety benefits.

Transparency in Government: Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations Requests

The appropriations process is one of Congress' most contentious duties each year, allocating taxpayer funding to agencies, departments, and programs of the entire federal government. With limited financial resources for an ever-increasing basis for demand, we must establish our priorities clearly and make every effort to maximize return on dollars spent without raising the tax burden on hardworking American families.

Deal Debates the Fair Tax on the House Floor

Congressman King recently hosted a Special Order to discuss the Fair Tax on the floor of the House of Representatives. I joined a number of my colleagues to speak in support of abolishing the IRS and instituting the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax will allow individuals to keep 100% of their pay check, thus ensuring that all Americans pay their fair share of taxes. Click here to watch Congressman Deal speak on the Fair Tax.

Visiting the Capitol

Recently the new Capitol Visitors Center opened on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. This new facility is intended to enhance the experience of all visitors to the Capitol by providing a more educational and convenient procedure for visitors. With the new facility in place some of the tour procedures for my office will be changing as well. As before, my office will continue to provide staff-led tours for any constituent who contacts my office for a tour during normal business hours. Additionally, constituents may request a Guide Service’s tour via the internet by going to

Congressman Deal Continues to Fight for Georgia's Water Rights

Deal Questions Corps Management of Lake Lanier

Washington DC: Congressman Nathan Deal (R-GA) called on the U.S. Corps of Engineers to explain their management practices of Lake Lanier during the record drought the residents of the 9th Congressional District currently are facing. “I have the utmost respect for the Corps of Engineers, especially the Mobile District but within the current environment we find ourselves facing, I feel prudent oversight is warranted.” Deal Stated (Please for further information)