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Congressman William Lacy Clay
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Congressman William Lacy Clay - Representing Missouri's First District

What's New


Congressman Clay to Lead Community Day of Service to Clean Up and Restore Historic Greenwood Cemetery, Saturday, May 16th
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Mortgage Reform & Anti-Predatory Lending Act Will Protect Homeowners, Punish Abusive Lenders Clay Says Ending Predatory Lending is Key to Restoring Stability in Housing Market
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Clay Says C-17 and F-18 Programs Vital to Keeping America Safe Bipartisan Effort Underway to Secure Jobs at BoeingNote: The following is a first-person statement from Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri
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Congressman Clay at work in Missouri's 1st Congressional District:

Representative Clay and Vice President Joe BidenRepresentative Clay and Vice President Joe Biden at Matthew Dickey




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