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Congressman Brady meets with Vice President Biden, Mayor Nutter, and Congressman Fattah at the Middle Class Task Force meeting on green jobs at the University of Pennsylvania.

Congressman Brady meets with Vice President Biden, Mayor Nutter, and Congressman Fattah at the Middle Class Task Force meeting on green jobs at the University of Pennsylvania.

Congressman Brady observes at an event to feed the homeless at the Philadelphia African American Museum on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2008.

Congressman Brady observes at an event to feed the homeless at the Philadelphia African American Museum on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2008.
Photo credit: Martin Regusters

Congressman Brady presents an award to legendary singer Frankie Valli.

Congressman Brady presents an award to legendary singer Frankie Valli.

Congressman Brady receives the Making an Impact Award for his service to injured, unemployed and homeless vets.

Congressman Brady receives the Making an Impact Award for his service to injured, unemployed and homeless vets.

Congressman Brady meets with US Steelworkers.

Congressman Brady meets with US Steelworkers.

Congressman Brady greets security officers at inter-agency homeland security forum he hosted at the University of Pennsylvania.

Congressman Brady greets security officers at inter-agency homeland security forum he hosted at the University of Pennsylvania.
Photo credit: Martin Regusters

Congressman Brady at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day bell ringing service at the Liberty Bell.

Congressman Brady at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day bell ringing service at the Liberty Bell.
Photo credit: Martin Regusters

Congressman Brady presents an award to the 2009 Congressional Arts Competition winner.

Congressman Brady presents an award to the 2009 Congressional Arts Competition winner.


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