• Cao Accepts Offer to Meet with Obama; Announces Public Health Care Town Halls

    “I am approaching this health care bill with the best interests of Orleans and Jefferson Parishes in mind,” he said. “If the President is willing to meet with members of Congress, then I’m definitely going to take the opportunity to discuss my constituents’ concerns. As I travel the area during August recess, I’m asking everyone to share their health care concerns with me, and I will deliver them to President Obama.” MORE >

  • Wounded Warrior Joins Cao Congressional Staff Says Cao is “that change” City Has Been Looking for

    When asked about why he joined Congressman Cao’s office, Jackson cited the desire to improve the lives of veterans. “I lived and grew up in District 2. I served my country for 21 years, and when I got out, I saw all the problems the veterans were having and the services that weren’t being provided, and I wanted to give back. I did some background tracking on Cao. I like a lot of his policies, and I have seen the benefits of his work. This was the best way that I could think of to give back to my community. I did not want to sit on the sidelines. If you can’t get in the game, then don’t play.” MORE >

  • Cao Praises FEMA Arbitration Panel Announcement;

    “For months, I have called for an improvement in the efficiency of FEMA management. Orleans and Jefferson Parishes welcome the forward progress in setting up the arbitration panel—particularly New Orleans residents who are still awaiting answers in the Charity Hospital debate. I am hopeful that this panel will address the issues concerning government reconstruction efforts for Charity including: challenges regarding the pace of reconstruction efforts; the current status of the project worksheet backlogs; the continued effects delays are having on recovery efforts; and recommendations for expediting the reconstruction process.” MORE >

Public Health Care Town Halls - What would you ask the President?



  • IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Cao on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show"

    Congressman Cao and Rachel had an interesting conversation in which he called for civility at town halls as well as a civil, intelligent, and deliberate discussion to find real solutions for reforming our health care system. MORE >

  • Cao's Town Hall Meetings

    Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao will spend the bulk of his August recess addressing the national debate on health care reform through meetings with various constituent groups, health care experts, and town hall meetings he creatively coins: “Collaborations with Cao”. MORE >