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    Heinrich Helps Restore Fiscal Responsibility In Congress

    Rep. Heinrich spoke on the House floor in strong support of  the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act, which requires Congress to offset the costs of tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending with savings elsewhere in the budget, thereby restoring fiscal discipline to the federal government. The bill passed the House by a vote of 265 to 166.


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    Vouchers Worth Up To $4,500


    Representative Martin Heinrich voted in favor of a "cash for clunkers" program that will allow consumers to trade in their old, gas-guzzling cars for vouchers worth up to $4,500 to help pay for new, more fuel-efficient vehicles. The Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act will spur the sale of up to one million more fuel-efficient cars and trucks nationwide[...]

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    Heinrich Helping You


    If you have a problem involving a federal agency, my staff and I are here to assist you. Caseworkers in my district office are on hand to provide you with assistance in dealing with Federal agencies such as: the Social Security Administration, the IRS, the Veterans' Administration, Medicare, the military, passport agencies, immigration, disability, and federal employment offices [...]


News Releases

  • New Mexico House Delegation Praises Credit Card Reforms Taking Effect This Week

    "New Mexicans have the responsibility to live within their means and pay what they owe, but the government has the responsibility to make sure our credit card industry is playing by the rules," said Representative Martin Heinrich. "The Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights will put fairness back on the side of New Mexico consumers and impact households across America."

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  • Heinrich Applauds Senate's Confirmation of Justice Sonia Sotomayor

    U.S. Representative Martin Heinrich (NM-01) released the following statement regarding today's Senate confirmation of Justice Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court.

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  • Heinrich Holds Telephone Town Hall On Health Care

    On July 29, 2009, Representative Martin Heinrich hosted a telephone town hall meeting on the critical issue of health care reform. The call brought together over 5,000 New Mexicans from across the First Congressional District to ask Representative Heinrich questions as he addresses the health care crisis in our country.

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