Welcome to the Virtual Office of the 3rd District of Pennsylvania


Meet the Congresswoman

Click here to find out where you can meet Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper at her Hike and Bike events.

Questions and Concerns about the Health Care Bill?

As we continue to debate the best way to achieve health care reform I wanted to give you an opportunity to review the latest version of the legislation that we are considering.   This legislation continues to evolve and is not in its final form.   I encourage you to review it and share your thoughts with me.

Read the text of the bill here or read a summary of the bill here.

Leave me a comment and fill out a survey

Questions about Cash for Clunkers?

Read the Frequently Asked Questions from the Department of Transportation.

Questions and Concerns about the current H1N1 Influenza outbreak?

Please visit the Center's for Disease Control and Prevention's web page for information about this outbreak and for steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. Click Here

Or visit the Penn State University College of Agriculture Sciences web site for up-to-date information on H1N1 and Pennsylvania.  Click here.

Questions about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

Please check out this guide we have made available that explains where and how the money will be spent in Pennsylvania and where you can go to get more answers. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Guidebook


Also, please check out this list of many frequently asked questions and misconceptions about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Need information on the Credit Cardholder Bill of Rights?

Get your questions answered about the new Credit Cardholder Bill of Rights by downloading our useful guide.  Click here

Congressional Art Competition Announced!


How Can I Help You?

My office is honored to provide information for residents of our proud district.


Latest News

Rep. Dahlkemper Reminds Consumers to Apply for Converter Box Coupons Before July 31st Deadline
WASHINGTON � U.S. Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3) today reminded Americans who are still not digital-television ready that they have one more week to request converter box coupons before the July 31st deadline.…
WASHINGTON � U.S. Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3) applauded the allocation of $14,320,340 in Public Health Emergency Response grants to help Pennsylvania�s hospitals and healthcare systems prepare for and respond to local outbreaks of the H1N1 virus. This funding is part of the $350 million worth of grants that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will administer to states across the country. These funds were made available by the recent supplemental appropriations legislation signed into law on June 24, 2009. Dahlkemper voted in favor of the legislation.…
House Approves $1M for Presque Isle, $14.5M For Great Lakes Region Environmental Protection, Economic Development
WASHINGTON � Today, U.S. Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3) applauded House approval of $14,475,000 for three Great Lakes initiatives as well as the lawmaker�s $1 million request for sand nourishment of the Presque Isle Peninsula. These crucial investments to promote environmental protection, tourism, and economic development were approved as part of the FY 2010 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act. …