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flags_smallThank you for visiting my on-line office and the official web page for the Second Congressional District of Georgia.  If you do not find the answers that you are looking for, if you need help with a federal agency or if you would like to express your opinion on an important issue, I hope that you will take the time to contact me. It is an honor to represent you in Washington, D.C. and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.



America’s Affordable Health Choices Act


The House of Representatives is currently considering H.R. 3200, “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” – legislation that will overhaul the nation’s health system. Citizens of Georgia’s Second Congressional district should remain consistently engaged in the process and help improve the bill as the Congress seeks a plan that is accessible and affordable for all Americans.

     Please take a moment to review the documents below to learn more about the legislation that is pending in the House and Congressman Bishop’s position on health care reform.


Blue Dog Health Care Reform Principles


Blue Dog Letter to House Leadership (July 9, 2009)










To visit the newsroom, please click here.


August 7, 2009

Bishop to Hold Town Hall Meetings to Discuss Health Care


August 5, 2009

Bishop Leads Congressional Delegation to Iraq


July 22, 2009

House Passes Statutory PAYGO Signaling a Return to Fiscal Responsibility


July 9, 2009

House Passes Agriculture Appropriations Bill with $2.5 Million for Georgia Projects 


June 26, 2009

Bishop on House Passage of Climate Change Legislation


June 18, 2009

House Passes Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill with $1.5 Million for SWGA


FY2010 Appropriations Request

I am proud to serve on the House Appropriations Committee and strongly believe that the process of Congressionally-directed funding – sometimes known as “earmarks” – is essential to revitalizing communities, particularly rural communities, across the state of Georgia and throughout the nation. However, in the past, the process has lacked transparency and accountability, making it subject to abuse. This year, Congress has instituted wide-ranging reforms to ensure that every American can easily determine the source of each and every request.

     In the spirit of transparency, below you will find a list of my FY10 funding requests with an explanation regarding the purpose of the request and why it is a valuable use of taxpayer funds. As always, please feel free to contact my office if you have any questions.


Commerce, Justice and Science


Energy and Water
Financial Services
Homeland Security 

Labor, Health & Human Services
Interior and Environment 


Military Construction


To view Congressman Bishop's Surface Transportation Authorization Requests, click here.


E-Newsletter Sign-up:


One of my top priorities is to make sure you are informed about current issues and legislation that is pending before Congress. To help facilitate our communication, I will be launching a monthly e-Newsletter in the fall of 2009. It is exciting to have this new form of communication to better serve those whom I am proud to represent.


To sign up for the e-Newsletter, click here.




2429 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515-1002
Phone- (202) 225-3631 Fax- (202) 225-2203


235 Roosevelt Avenue Albany Towers, Suite 114 Albany GA 31701
Phone: (229) 439-8067 Fax: (229) 436-2099
18 Ninth Street, Suite 201 Columbus, GA 31901
Phone: (706) 320-9477 Fax: (706) 320-9479
137 East Jackson Street, Thomasville, GA 31792
Phone: (229) 226-7789 Fax: (229) 226-7860