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Outreach Training Awards

Deadline for submission: October 2, 2009

Call for Applications

The NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), as part of its outreach and library improvement programs and its Strategic Program Plan for Network Members, is accepting applications from MAR full and affiliate network members for Outreach Training Awards to train and promote awareness about the products and services of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NN/LM.


The purpose of the Outreach Training Award program is to train on and promote awareness about the products and services of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NN/LM. Priority will be given to projects which support MAR’s outreach priorities:

  • Target groups: seniors, Hispanic populations, faith-based organizations, low-income/literacy populations.
  • Partner priorities: unaffiliated health professionals, senior centers, nonprofit organizations, schools, and public health departments. Unaffiliated health professionals include nursing/long term care professionals, private practice physicians, nurse practitioners, public health departments, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (health clinics for the underserved).
  • Health disparities such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, STDs/HIV/AIDS, infant mortality, asthma and uninsured individuals.

Example of outreach training projects include:

  • Training of public health workforce on hazardous substance databases, WISER, LactMed, PubMed or other NLM databases;
  • Demonstration of NLM databases to consumers through partnership with a public library; example databases include MedlinePlus and;
  • Train the trainer sessions with public librarians to develop competencies in consumer health resources; aid public libraries in obtaining the Consumer Health Information Specialization from the Medical Library Association

Other projects or ideas not listed above are welcome. Partnerships between MAR members and community, health, senior, and diversity organization are strongly encouraged.

Two awards up to $10,000 each are available. Funds will be awarded on a cost reimbursement basis. Awardees will invoice MAR for costs associated with the Outreach Training Award activity. Funds cannot be used for food or furniture; and no more than 5% of budget can be used to purchase print and electronic collections.

If you have questions or require assistance, contact Arpita Bose, MAR Outreach and Communications Coordinator, 212-263-4176 or Awards will be announced on the MAR discussion list, MARL as well as the MARquee.

Period of Performance

Projects must be completed by April 30, 2011.

Submission Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Attachments, such as resumes, letters of support, and equipment catalog pricing may be sent by fax to 212-263-4258 or attached to an email sent to Please use the title of your project as the subject line of the email.

Deadline for submission is October 2, 2009.

Fill out the application online now!

Application Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by the MAR Outreach Committee, MAR staff, and the National Network Office of the National Library of Medicine. Applicants will be notified of decisions when the review process is complete, approximately 12 weeks from the application submission deadline. 

Application Review Criteria

The application describes the target population, the target population’s needs, and the rationale for what benefits the target population will gain from the activity.
35 points

The application describes how the activity will address the needs of the target population. The application fully describes the activity, including start/end dates (timeline), location, and personnel. The application provides a detailed budget with justifications for all costs. The activity plan is feasible and complete.
35 points

The application describes how the activity will be evaluated. The application includes evaluation criteria to explain how activity objectives will be achieved. The evaluation component considers what is expected to be different once the activity is complete.
20 points

The application documents experience and qualifications of key personnel, including resumes/curriculum vitae and, if applicable, letters of support from partner organizations.
10 points

Total Possible Points: 100

An application with a score totaling less than 75 points will not be funded.

See a sample Review Sheet.

Allowable expenses include:

  • Personnel
  • Equipment rental or purchase
  • Software
  • Translation costs
  • Travel including mileage, tolls, and hotel costs
  • Publicity
  • Space rental
  • Electricity
  • Telephone lines/data lines (e.g. broadband or cellular)
  • Audiovisual costs
  • Printing/reproduction/duplication including paper and supplies
  • Postage and handling
  • Speaker fees and honoraria

Non-allowable expenses include:

  • Food or beverages (except travel per diem)
  • Furniture

Reporting Requirements

A final report, including a blog/newsletter article, must be submitted within 30 days of completion of the project. Award recipients are encouraged to take photographs for inclusion in the report and article.
Recipients agree to allow the NN/LM-MAR to republish reports. Reports must be submitted to

Important Information

Funding decisions are based on need, amount to be funded, and availability of funds. In addition to the requirements listed in each Call for Application, the following requirements also apply.

  • Award recipients are required to submit a final activity report. Reports should include an evaluation of the project’s effectiveness and address project sustainability.

  • For assistance in project evaluation, contact Sue Hunter, MAR Planning and Evaluation Coordinator. Applicants may also consult the Outreach and Evaluation Resource Center (OERC ) for publications  to develop  an  evaluation  plan.

  • Any IT/computer equipment to be purchased must be submitted with catalog pricing, quotes, and sole source justification if applicable.

  • Applications requesting the purchase of “personal appeal items” (items used for official duties that could be construed to be used for personal purposes, e.g. cameras, MP3 players, smartphones, laptop computers) must demonstrate items will be used for official purposes only, and acknowledge appropriate use of items when acquired with Federal Government funds. 

  • Applicants developing training materials should consult with materials available in the NN/LM National Training Center and Clearinghouse. Training materials developed as part of the project should be registered in the Clearinghouse.

  • Web-based resources developed for the project should strive to ensure accessibility to the greatest possible number of people by adhering to standards described in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. (

  • Material produced in relation to the project should attribute the National Library of Medicine as funding source. Example: This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract # N01-LM-6-3501 with New York University.

  • In accordance with the NIH Public Access Policy investigators must submit or have submitted for them their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts that arise from NIH funds and are accepted for publication as of April 7, 2008 to PubMed Central, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after publication. As of May 27, 2008, investigators must include the PubMed Central reference number when citing an article in NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports that fall under the policy, and was authored or co-authored by the investigator or arose from the investigator’s NIH award. For more information, see the Public Access web page