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Archive for August, 2009

NLM History of Medicine Division: Chinese Anti-Malaria Poster Online Exhibit

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Chinese Anti-Malaria Poster Online Exhibit Mounted

NLM History of Medicine Division (HMD) has mounted an online exhibit of modern Chinese Anti-Malaria Posters at It is available as well through a banner link on the HMD home page.

This exhibit represents the work of Chinese public health historian Dr. Liping Bu, who has been in residence at the History of Medicine Division for the summer. Roxanne Beatty did the work of preparing the on-line exhibit.

Malaria control in modern China was is a resounding success. According to the exhibition introduction, “In 1998, there were 31 thousand malaria cases in China, with a morbidity of 0.25 per ten thousand, a drop of 99% compared to 1954.” The great reduction in disease was due to concentrated and coordinated programs in public health control and prevention. The exhibit’s gallery of images presents classic posters, from the early 1950s through the early 1970s, at the peak of the campaign.

Enjoy the lively exhibit, and many thanks to Liping and Roxanne.

Paul Theerman

Head, Images and Archives

History of Medicine Division

Recorded sessions now available for MAR’s online classes

Friday, August 21st, 2009

The NN/LM MAR has made available recordings for the following online classes. Recordings include the online class in its entirety with audio and a visual slide presentation. Simply click on the recorded session link to begin the recording for the class. MAR will continue to add recordings for future online classes, look for the link from the class descriptions on the MAR web site,

DOCLINE SERHOLD: Searching, Updating, and Reporting

This course will focus on the SERHOLD feature of DOCLINE.  Attendees will learn how to add new titles and formats to their library’s record, search SERHOLD for other library’s holdings, and utilize the SERHOLD reporting functions to make the most of this unique tool in DOCLINE.  
The class presentation is available in PDF.
A previously recorded session is available for viewing online .

Free Productivity Tools

Library’s budgets are always pinched for one thing or another. Did you know that there are a multitude of free software packages out there that do just about everything that commercial software packages can do? In this one hour class we’ll take a look at some of these software packages, their usefulness, their limitations and things to think about if you decide to go the free software route.
Productivity tools resource page
A previously recorded session is available for viewing at anytime.

Valuing Library Services and Cost Benefit/ROI Calculators

On April 22, 2009, MAR hosted an online class to enable health sciences librarians to determine the return on investment and cost benefit of their libraries and services. The instructors discussed and demonstrated two tools to show the value a library brings to its institution:

  1. The Retail Value Calculator, adapted from one originally provided by the Massachusetts Library Association, and then adapted for the web by Chelmsford Public Library, helps to determine the library’s worth to the institution, and how much would it cost to replace library services on the retail market;
  2. The CBA and ROI Calculator helps to determine a library’s contribution to the institutional bottom line, and how much benefit the institution receives for every dollar spent by the library.

Guest Speakers/Instructors: Betsy Kelly, Assessment and Evaluation Liaison (NN/LM MCR) & Barb Jones, Advocacy Liaison (NN/LM MCR)
This free, online class for MAR network members was conducted using Adobe Connect. The recording provides the session in its entirety with audio and the PowerPoint presentation. The recording runs for approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes.
View the recorded session.
Class notes are available in PDF.

NNLM MAR 2009-2010 Award Program

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

On August 19, 2009 NNLM MAR announced four new funding opportunities for its member libraries.  A few weeks ago we announced 2009 funding for three other awards: Small Project, Exhibit and Professional Presentation/Development.  Some of you have already applied and been funded for these, and there are more awards still available.  Detailed information on these and how to apply can be found under the “Funding” tab on the MAR website (

In September and October we anticipate posting “Calls for Applications” for several more funding opportunities. These include: an Outreach and Evaluation Conference (1 award @ $30,000), Outreach to Unaffiliated Health Professionals (3 awards at $30,000 each),  a Technology Awareness Conference (1 award @ $15,000), a Bioinformatics Training Award (1 award @ $4700), and two Emergency Preparedness Conference awards funded at $7500 each.  We will be funding a GoLocal project this year, as well, and encourage a consortium approach.

In all, the NNLM MAR will offer 14 kinds of award opportunities this year and anticipates funding more than 50 projects: seven at $25,000 and above, and 43 for under $15,000.  For those of you who would like to plan a little in advance of the “calls” this fall, award applications share many common elements such as describing your project goals, methods and developing an evaluation plan.  Reviewing application forms for the funding opportunities already posted will offer some information for planning.

Funding priorities reflect the MAR Strategic Plan ( ) which was developed based on member needs and are consistent with the NNLM mission to enhance medicine and the public’s health through access to health information. Brief descriptions of the awards to be offered this fall are given below:

Outreach to Unaffiliated Health Professionals Awards

These awards will encourage development of local programs linking targeted unaffiliated health professional groups to health information. The Strategic Plan identifies targeted unaffiliated health professionals as nursing/long term care professionals, private practice physicians, nurse practitioners, public health departments, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (health clinics for the underserved).

Outreach and Evaluation Conference

This award, as outlined in the Strategic Plan, is intended for a network member to organize a conference on outreach projects and evaluation methods and present lessons learned. The awardee shall share conclusions beyond the conference through the MAR Website and other mechanisms.

Technology Awareness Conference

This award will fund a conference in technology and policy awareness to be organized by a partnership of a Resource Library with either a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) or a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI).

Bioinformatics Training Award

This award will be offered to an institution to allow travel expenses and honoraria (if applicable) for two bioinformatics instructors to teach classes in New York, NY and Rochester, NY on NCBI molecular biology information resources. Molecular biology and genetics are fast-growing areas of scientific knowledge, and this award will build capacity within the region of librarians who can assist clinicians and researchers.

Emergency Preparedness Conference Awards

This award will be offered to a partnership of network members (e.g. a regional consortium or Library Resource Council, regional association) to hold a working meeting on emergency preparedness. The intent is for group members to gather together to draft emergency preparedness documents for their individual libraries.

Creating a Health Information Community

Serving Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

Kathleen Burr Oliver, Associate Director; National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, New York University Langone Medical Center, 423 East 23rd Street, Floor 15 South (23rd & First Avenue), New York, NY 10010; 212 263 4197 (voice); 212 263 4258 (fax);

General Phone: 212-263-2030; Toll-Free-Phone within DE, NJ, NY, PA: 800-338-7657; FAX: 212-263-4258: http/

New Funding Opportunities for NN/LM MAR Members

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

MAR is pleased to announce four new funding opportunities:

Leadership Institute Planning and Implementation Award

MAR is accepting letters of interest from Full and Affiliate Network members to plan and implement a MAR Leadership Institute. One award up to $65,000 will allow a member to develop a program to teach business, management, and leadership skills, which will help librarians advocate for themselves and their libraries with their institution’s administrators, other funding agencies, government bodies, and user groups. The Strategic Plan includes a Library Improvement objective to “broaden training opportunities with emphasis on management, advocacy, and leadership skills through Web opportunities for training in a ‘MAR Leadership Institute.’” The Leadership Institute is intended to be broad enough in scope to appeal to librarians with a range of experience, working in different types of institutions, and located throughout the region. Deadline for letters of interest is September 30, 2009.

Outreach Training

This award for Full and Affiliate Network members it intended to support  training for and promote awareness of the products and services of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NN/LM. Two awards up to $10,000 each are available. Deadline for applications is October 2, 2009.

Health Literacy Awards (New Projects)

These awards are designed to support and encourage Full and Affiliate Network members to create or develop new health literacy projects within their library or organization or by partnering with other libraries or organizations. Health literacy projects should address issues of the target population’s ability to read, listen, analyze, and make decisions, and the ability to apply these skills to health situations. Two awards up to $30,000 each are available. Deadline for applications is October 9, 2009.

Technology/Library Improvement Awards

These awards are designed to support and encourage Full and Affiliate Network members to upgrade or purchase new technology. Eleven awards up to $7500 each are available. Deadline for applications and all supporting materials is October 2, 2009.

The Commonwealth Medical College - Medical Library is Open for Business!

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

On Behalf of Joanne Muellenbach:

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce that the Medical Library at The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC), in Scranton, Pennsylvania, is officially open for business. TCMC’s inaugural class of 65 medical students began class at 8:00am this morning. Another 30 students will begin class next week for the master’s in biomedical sciences program.  TCMC marks the first opening of a medical degree-granting school in the state since 1962.  It is the first M.D. school not associated with a larger university to open nationwide in at least 35 years.

Last Sunday, our medical students began a full week of orientation, which included 2 full days, and 1 night, of outdoor activities at Camp LaDore, just 1 hour east of Scranton in beautiful northeastern Pennsylvania.  At camp, students, faculty and staff participated in team building and new skills training, taught by faculty & staff.  Skills activities included fly-fishing, kayaking, canoeing, yoga, salsa dance, bocce ball and quilt making.  My hope is to have a TCMC Charter Class quilt to adorn the Medical Library in the near future!

As construction progresses on our new 120 million Medical Sciences Building, which is scheduled to open in 2011, students are attending classes just a few blocks away, at Lackawanna College.  Lackawanna College is also the temporary home of the Medical Library, our Gross Anatomy Lab, the Clinical Skills & Simulation Center, Student Affairs and other departments with an academic focus.  The Medical Library reports to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and comprises 2 professional librarians, including myself, and three support staff.  A third librarian will be recruited in 2010 and a fourth librarian will be recruited in 2011.  The Office of Academic Informatics works closely with the Medical Library to provide students, faculty & staff with instruction and training in the areas of information management and retrieval, literature searching and evidence based medicine.

The TCMC Medical Library is 95% electronic and all of our students are provided with laptops, portable printers and wireless cards.  The Medical Library provides access to over 13,000 e-journals, 1,400 e-books and 50 biomedical databases. Our print collections consist of 125 reserve titles, 200 core biomedical titles, as well as reference and leisure reading collections.

The TCMC Medical Library website may be accessed at: This will take you to the TCMC’s Community tab.  From this page, click on the link to TCMC Medical Library, under: TCMC Library Services.

The Medical Library is a member of DOCLINE, so feel free to add us to an appropriate cell.

Finally, I want to extend special thanks to Barbara Shearer, who worked as a Library Consultant for TCMC during the early days of TCMC’s development and who continues to provide me with her invaluable assistance and expertise. I also appreciate the support that I receive from my AAHSL colleagues, whose wisdom and generosity has been a tremendous help in getting the Medical Library to where we are today.

Thank you, all!


Joanne M. Muellenbach, MLS, AHIP

Director, Medical Library

The Commonwealth Medical College

501 Vine Street, Ground Floor

Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509

T: 570.504.9627

F: 570.504.9618



SENYLRC Receives Technology Immersion Award

Monday, August 17th, 2009

NNLM MAR is very pleased to announce that Southeastern NY Library Resources Council (SENYLRC) has been selected for the NNLM MAR Technology Immersion Award.  Tessa Killian, Manager of Technology and Administrative Services, and Patricia Carroll-Mathes, Manager, Hospital Library Services Program will serve as co-project directors.

The Southeastern NY Library Resources Council (SENYLRC), a multi-type library consortium which includes hospitals and special libraries, is well positioned to provide web discovery portals and offer enhanced catalog tools  to health sciences libraries which do not have the technical infrastructure, money or expertise to create their own.  Building upon 10 years of development and service delivery experience, SENYLRC will demonstrate the use of open source software applications to improve upon existing web-based services and deliver a next-generation searching and retrieval capability to member libraries in the SENYLRC region.

Two RML member libraries will work with SENYLRC staff and contracted programmers to provide additional functionality , test and evaluate Koha integrated library system software, and create new individual library website templates using the Drupal content management system.  The project will result in separate instances of a discovery platform for each library, allowing them to better target and serve the needs of their unique user community.

Through this pilot project, SENYLRC staff will acquire the necessary experience with open source software (Koha and Drupal),  and develop a  new Drupal module - an electronic resource management system to enable SENYLRC staff to more easily administer shared electronic resources links on the SENYLRC-hosted multiple library websites. After development, these applications of open source software will be made freely available to the  medical library community for other consortia and/or multi- institutions to adopt or adapt to meet their own service needs.

The pilot health science libraries will be Vassar Brother Medical Center (VBMC) in Poughkeepsie, New York, and Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (NKI) in Orangeburg, New York. Upon successful completion of the development and pilot implementation phase, SENYLRC will migrate other hospital libraries to the new services and offer them to other special libraries.

Please join us in congratulating SENYLRC, Tessa and Patricia on their achievement and thanking our Technology Committee for their efforts in the selection process.  We would also like to thank all the applicants for their commitment to advancing medicine and the public’s health through improved access to health information.

NIH Funding Opportunities:collaborations between libraries and researchers or community-based organizations interested in biomedical research

Monday, August 17th, 2009

On behalf of Valerie Florance, NLM Extramural Programs:

Dear Colleagues,

I’m writing to  provide you with a reminder that NIH continues to issue new grant solicitations that could be the basis of fruitful collaborations between libraries and researchers or community-based organizations interested in biomedical research. While these grant programs are seldom aimed specifically at libraries, they offer opportunities for collaboration with research groups and for new partnerships within your community that could bring new funds and new activities to you.  For example, NIH funding opportunity announcements will be coming in the next few months for grants to support building infrastructure for community research and to promote research on behavioral and social aspects of health and illness.  If you have not already registered for delivery of the weekly NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts that is sent by email each Friday, you sign up at Also, new funding opportunities that will be published in the NIH Guide are posted on the Guide website as soon as they are ready, in the New Announcements this Week section at This can give you a head start of a few days on the Friday mailing.

Valerie Florance, Ph.D.
Acting Associate Director, NLM Extramural Programs
Rockledge 1, Suite 301
6705 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
phone: 301.496-4621 fax: 301.402.2952 NLM/NIH/DHHS

PubMed Redesign Presentation, August 26

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

PubMed Redesign Presentation

Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 2:00 pm

NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region, New England Region, and Southeastern/Atlantic Region present a live webinar on the upcoming National Library of Medicine PubMed page redesign. David Gillikin, Chief of NLM’s Bibliographic Services, will review the draft design for the new search results page and abstract view in PubMed. This webinar is a repeat of the presentation at the NLM Online Users’ Meeting at the Medical Library Association’s annual conference in May.

IMPORTANT: This webinar is free and open to NN/LM members in MAR, NER, and SE/A.

***No pre-registration is required. Participation will be open on a first come, first served basis. Because the webinar system limits the number of call-ins, we ask that you do NOT forward or re-post this message to individuals outside the MAR, NER, and SE/A areas. This webinar will be offered separately in other regions.***

For log-in information, send a message to Arpita Bose, MAR Outreach and Communications Coordinator, before August 25: arpita.bose(at)

Three Newly Funded 2009 - 2010 Award Categories From NN/LM MAR

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

NN/LM MAR is pleased to announce the first three of a number of award categories for 2009-2010:  Small Project, Exhibit and Presentation/Professional Development.  Funding is available for up to 20 Small Project Awards of $1000 each, three Exhibit Awards of $1500 each, and two Professional Presentation/Professional Development Awards of $2500 each. Awards will be funded on a cost reimbursement basis. Applications will be considered as long as funding is available. More information and an application form can be found on the MAR website. Specifically, the

Your projects, exhibits, and professional development enhance access to health information. Let us help you fund those efforts.

Look for more announcements on 2009-2010 award categories in August, September and October.

National Medical Librarians Month - Publicize Your Work!

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine would like to publicize your upcoming noteworthy projects for National Medical Librarians Month in October.

Submissions are due Thursday, September 10, 2009. Please submit by email to rml(at)

Name of the institution (you may include your library logo)

Title of project

Brief summary of the project

Name of project director

Key staff

Notable projects from 2008 are here: