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Jorge Rojas and Timothy A. Hornung

Joint Cooperation in the Search for Fugitives

San Jose- August  11, 2009

Jorge Rojas Vargas, Director of the Organization of Judicial Investigation (OIJ); Gustavo Mata, Chief of Criminal Investigations; Timothy A. Hornung, from the US Marshal Service and S. Wade De Witt and Jorge Rojas, members of the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), met on Tuesday to strengthen joint cooperation between the United States and Costa Rica’s police forces. This meeting focused on the coordination of the OIJ, DSS, and US Marshal Services towards fugitive apprehensions and returns.  Several important conclusions came from the meeting, one of which is the agreement between the organizations that they will work together in the training of OIJ prison personnel  on modern techniques used to manage high security detainees. 

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Latest Headlines From the Embassy

Environmental Hub Round Table

US Environmental HUB Organizes Round Table to Discuss Environmental Change, Natural Disasters and Stability in the Region

 San Jose- July 30, 2009

The Environmental Hub for Central America and the Caribbean hosted a conference called “Environment and Security:  A Roundtable on Environmental Change, Natural Disasters and Stability in Central America and the Caribbean.”  This conference brought together a group of specialists from all different fields, including academia, government and non-governmental organizations.   Together, these specialists listened to a few presentations and through their roundtable discussions came up with a variety of subjects that they would like to collaborate on in future conferences.   Vice-Ministers  Marcela  Chacon and Lidieth Carballo were participants in the roundtable discussion.


Ribbon cutting

The U.S. donates a warehouse to the National Emergencies Committee 

Cañas – July 28, 2009

The U.S. Southern Command donated a warehouse to the National Emergency Committee (CNE) which will serve as a regional supply center in Guanacaste.

The warehouse, located in Cañas, is 4,800 square meters and is valued at $300,000. The warehouse will be utilized by CNE to store provisions and emergency equipment used to respond to natural or manmade disasters.

The advantage of having the warehouse in Guanacaste is that CNE will not have to move supplies from San Jose when a disaster strikes. This will result in huge savings in money and time and also allows for CNE to have a more efficient distribution system in the area which will allow them to give immediate attention to emergency cases.

Costa Rican President Oscar Arias attended the inauguration ceremony, jointly with U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Peter Brennan and CNE Executive President Vanessa Rosales.


The man in the moon

40th Anniversary of Moon Landing 

July 20, 2009

Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon. Launched on July 16, 1969, it carried Mission Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin, Jr. On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon, while Collins orbited above. The mission fulfilled President John F. Kennedy's goal of reaching the moon by the end of the 1960s, which he had expressed during a speech given before a joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."   


The Declaration of Independence

Celebrating Independence

San Jose, July 2-2009

The U.S. Embassy commemorated the 233rd anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on Thursday, July 2, 2009. Guests had the opportunity to celebrate the United States of America’s Independence Day and learn about social corporate activities taking place in Costa Rica. At this year’s Embassy 4th of July celebration, nine American companies participated in an exhibition based on the theme of social corporate responsibility.

Bridgestone Firestone, Coca Cola, Intel, Dole, HB Fuller, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Price-Smart, Procter & Gamble and Wal-Mart presented projects related to health and nutrition, civil responsibility, education, philanthropy and environmental protection.


The Declaration of Independence

President Obama’s Fourth of July Message

In his Independence Day message, President Obama said, "We are not a people who fear the future. We are a people who make it. On this July 4, we need to summon once more the spirit that inhabited Independence Hall two hundred and thirty-three years ago today."  (more)


Latest News from Washington

  • North American Leaders Discuss Trade, H1N1 Flu, Climate Change
    Building on progress made at two recent international economic summits, President Obama says he and the leaders of Mexico and Canada pledged to take “aggressive, coordinated action” to restore economic growth across North America and create jobs for their workers. ...
    10 August 2009
  • North American Leaders Meet August 9–10 in Mexico
    The North American Leaders’ Summit in Mexico that begins August 9 will focus on three major areas: continuing economic recovery and competitiveness, safety and security, and clean energy and climate change, National Security Advisor James Jones says. The summit runs through August 10. ...
    07 August 2009
  • Sotomayor Confirmed as Newest US Supreme Court Justice
    President Obama says he is “pleased and deeply gratified” that U.S. lawmakers have approved Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be the 111th justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest level of the judicial branch of the U.S. government. Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic American to serve on the court. ...
    06 August 2009
  • United States Revokes Visas of Four Honduran Diplomats
    The United States revoked the diplomatic visas of four diplomats working in the Honduran Embassy in Washington, a State Department spokesman says The diplomats served in the government of ousted President Manuel Zelaya but now work for the “de facto regime” of interim President Roberto Micheletti. ...
    28 July 2009
  • Clinton Urges Honduran Regime to Continue Peace Talks
    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has spoken with officials of the de facto regime in Honduras, urging them to continue talks being mediated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias and to find a peaceful resolution to the current crisis, State Department Assistant Secretary Philip Crowley says. ...
    21 July 2009


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What's new
Information on H1N1 Flu 
Merida Initiative
Pathways Initiative
State Department Releases 2008 Trafficking in Persons Report
Costa Rica Tier / Trafficking in Persons Report 2008
TradeAgreements.gov is an information on America's trade agreements.
World Bank 2008 Report on Doing Business in Costa Rica (pdf document)
CAFTA-DR Labor and Environment Capacity Building -- Media Note and Fact Sheets (pdf document)
Latest Press Releases
Recent Reports
International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports 
2009 INCSR: Country Reports - Costa Rica through Haiti
  • Human Rights Report
  • Costa Rica Report on Human Rights 2008
  •Trafficking in Persons Report
  •Costa Rica: 2008 Report on International Religious Freedom September 19 2008

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Costa Rica Info
Costa Rica Embassy in Washington D.C.
Costa Rica - United States of America Foundation for Cooperation
Binational Center
Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce
Political Constitution Of Costa Rica
Private U.S. Assistance in Costa Rica Report - August 2006

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