NAEYC-Accredited Program Search

Information on programs' NAEYC Accreditation status:

NAEYC maintains a list of programs that are currently accredited to assist individuals in finding NAEYC-accredited programs in their area.  This list is updated with new accreditation decisions on the fifth (5th) day of every month. 

Enter either your city and state or your zip code and radius to search for NAEYC-accredited programs near you.

Search by CITY and STATE or Search by ZIP CODE


Multi-site programs: NAEYC Accreditation is granted to the overall program (and not the individual sites). Therefore, only the program name would appear in some of search functions. If you're looking for a multi-site program, please use search by CITY or ZIP CODE.

  1. The Radius search feature works ONLY when a Zip code is entered. The Radius search feature does not work when City and State are entered.
  2. The Radius search begins from the center of the Zip Code. To view more locations in your area, increase the number of miles from your Zip Code.


Zip Code Radius (Maximum is 50)

Throughout the five (5) year NAEYC Accreditation term, certain events and circumstances may change a program’s ability to maintain accreditation. Before a program's NAEYC Accreditation status is changed, the NAEYC Academy strives to conduct a fair and impartial review of all supporting materials. To accommodate the length of time needed for the review, changes (if applicable) to a program’s NAEYC Accreditation status are updated on this website within three (3) months.

Learn more about NAEYC Accreditation.

For those who need help selecting a program, NAEYC provides resources to help you choose a quality child care program.

View our Summary of accredited programs.

Read news about NAEYC-accredited programs.