Federal Aviation Administration

Aviation Career Education (ACE) Academy Program

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  • |  Updated: 2:32 pm ET July 2, 2009

ACE Academies are summer educational programs for middle and high school students that can last from one day to one week and are co-sponsored by FAA along with many other organizations.

The focus is on aviation career exploration with emphasis on opportunities for women and minorities. Students experience instruction in aviation history, the physics of flight, field trips to aviation sites and hands-on activities.

Our goal is to have one program in each state and U.S. territory. This program reaches approximately 2,000 students each summer. Dates, locations, cost and age requirements vary according to sponsoring organizations.

Interested attending an ACE Academy and want to learn more? View the ACE Academy video.

Interested in volunteering or helping out with an ACE Academy? View the ACE Academy volunteer video.

View photos of past ACE Academies

ACE Academies