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Top The Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) Initiative
A Comprehensive Approach to Youth Violence Prevention
The SS/HS Initiative is a unique Federal grant-making program designed to prevent violence and substance abuse among our Nation's youth, schools, and communities.
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What's New
Peer Reviewers for SS/HS Initiative Grant Competition
New! U.S. Department of Education Awards more than $32.8 Million to Promote Safe Schools, Healthy Students
More than $32.8 million in grants have been awarded to 18 states and the District of Columbia as part of a joint effort by the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice to support schools in creating safer and healthier learning environments.
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Assessment Quiz
Readiness Assessment Tool
Promoting safe and healthy environments in which America’s children can learn and develop is the overarching goal of the SS/HS Initiative. Violence and substance abuse in schools compromise the educational climate and endanger students and teachers. Take Readiness Assessment.
West Chicago SS/HS Recognized for Violence Reduction Programs
West Chicago SS/HS Recognized for Violence Reduction Programs
The West Chicago Elementary School District’s SS/HS initiative was featured in a U.S. Department of Education monthly live televised show.
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Road to Success DVD Cover
Video Podcasts Video Podcasting
We are pleased to offer visitors an alternative format for viewing the Road to Success and Faces of SS/HS videos. These videos are now available as video podcasts, and last for about five to seven minutes. This podcast series provides information on SS/HS and introduces some of the local grant sites that have made this Initiative such a success.
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Photo: Communicator Award Logo
Web Site Awards
The Federal partners are proud to announce that this Web site has received several awards of distinction for quality and service to the public.
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SS/HS Community
Photo: Globe and U.S. Flag
For Current SS/HS Grantees
Access your training and technical assistance providers, download your monthly report templates, and more using this one-stop portal to the current SS/HS community.

Spotlight on Success
Some Featured Communities Across the Country that are Making a Difference.
- Canton, OH
- Chester County, SC
- Tempe, AZ
- Mount Vernon, NY
- Round Rock, TX
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Justice
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Last Updated on 7/13/2009