Office of Science Policy - National Insititues of Health

NIH Public-Private Partnership Program


Welcome to the NIH’s website on public-private partnerships (PPPs). The NIH Program on Public-Private Partnerships was initiated in 2005, as an outgrowth from the NIH Roadmap. The Roadmap identified the most compelling opportunities for cross-cutting impact on the progress of medical research. Among the many opportunities identified, priority was placed on partnerships between the public and private sectors to provide additional models for conducting biomedical research in an increasingly complex world. The PPP Program was created as a resource for NIH staff in establishing and sustaining public-private partnerships; to coordinate NIH PPP activities, and to provide advice and connections for NIH and potential partners as new partnership ideas are generated.


The mission of the NIH Program on Public-Private Partnerships is to facilitate collaborations to improve public health through biomedical research. As NIH's central resource on public-private partnerships, the program provides guidance and advice to NIH and potential partners on the formation of partnerships that leverage NIH and non-NIH resources.


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This page last updated: July 20, 2009