BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 03:38 PM

Register Today for Your Quick Take on China

Quick Take

Take the First Step

After you submit the webform shown below, please also complete and a return a signed copy of the QuickTake China Questionnaire. Click here to return to the page to download the form. 

After we receive both, we will contact you within two business days to arrange a conference call to discuss your objectives in greater detail.

This service is available only to American companies!

Fields marked with * are required.

Is there an Export Assistance Office near you?

The U.S. Commercial Service has International Trade Specialists in offices throughout the United States ready to help you explore export markets. After you complete this form, the nearest office will also be informed of your interest in the Quick Take China service.

I am interested in the Quick Take China Service
Company Information
Company Activity

The Unique Selling Proposition, or USP, is the uniquely differentiating characteristic of the product that is both important to the customer and a unique strength of the product when compared to competing products.

QuickTake China is for manufacturers and service providers with no prior export activity in China or Hong Kong.

Submission of business or personal information is voluntary. Please be aware of our Privacy Policy.