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One day conference: Transformation Change in Health Sciences Libraries, April 2, 2009

Transformational Change in Health Sciences Libraries: Space, Collections, Roles

The one day conference will be held on April 2, 2009 at the University Conference Center on the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and College of Medicine Campus. Pat Thibodeau, Associate Dean of Library Services, Duke University Medical Center Library, will present the keynote address focusing on changes in health sciences libraries, the implications for librarian roles, and the need to transform skill sets.

Julie Poletta, Architect, Radelet McCarthy Incorporated, will speak about re-purposing library space for alternative uses.

Two panel discussions will address models and best practices in libraries’ reduction of print collection, models and best practices in libraries’ reduction of space and/or re-purposing of existing space, emerging roles and identities of librarians in the changing physical environment, and best practices in adjusting traditional library roles and services. A breakout session will follow each panel discussion.

Five scholarships of up to $1,000 will be awarded. The scholarship will cover conference and travel costs.

For more information and to Register:

Registration deadline is March 18, 2009. Spots are limited so register early.

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