
  • Current Exhibition in the NLM Rotunda

    Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health, a new exhibition at the National Library of Medicine, looks at the revolution in global health that is taking place in towns and cities around the world. Communities, in collaboration with scientists, advocates, governments, and international organizations, are taking up the challenge to prevent disease and improve quality of life. Recognizing the many factors that cause illness, people are working on a wide range of issues—from community health to conflict, disease to discrimination. The exhibition will introduce you to some of individuals who have made a difference—working together, against the odds, for the benefit of all. This exhibition was produced by the NLM's Exhibition Program.

  • Current Exhibition in the History of Medicine Division Reading Room

    Rewriting the Book of Nature: Charles Darwin & the Rise of Evolutionary Theory focuses on the origins, development and impact of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. To mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of his groundbreaking work, On the Origin of Species, and 200th anniversary of his birth, Rewriting the Book of Nature, a small exhibition, shows off rare first editions of On the Origin and other books by Darwin, along with works by his predecessors, contemporaries and successors. Radical in sweep, Darwin's theory of naturally innovating and endlessly changing webs of life laid bare the deep connections within the living world. Darwin rewrote the book of nature and forced us to rethink humankind's own place within it. 150 years later, we still struggle to comprehend the world that Darwin made.

  • Online Exhibitions and Digital Projects

    View NLM online exhibitions and digitized projects, including digitized material from historical collections.
    All Exhibitions by Subject     All Exhibitions by Date

  • Recent Acquisitions

    Treasures recently added to NLM historical collections are displayed in exhibit cases in the History of Medicine Reading Room.

  • Bronze Busts of Maimonides, Jenner, and Pasteur

    Bronze portrait busts of three giants of medicine are mounted on pedestals at the rear of the History of Medicine Reading Room. Sculptor Karen Leigh created the busts. Dr. Sheldon Cohen commissioned the trio and donated them to the Library.

  • Medals of Great Personages in the History of Medicine

    Bronze medals depicting 20 important figures in the history of medicine are on display in a vertical case in the History of Medicine Reading Room. Sculpted by Abram Belski and commissioned and donated to the Library by Dr. Sheldon Cohen, the medals depict such luminaries as Ambrose Paré, William Harvey, and Andreas Vesalius.

  • Turning the Pages (TTP)

    At the Turning the Pages kiosk in the History of Medicine Reading Room cloak room, visitors can "turn the pages" of Elizabeth Blackwell's A Curious Herbal, a beautifully illustrated 18th century book of medicinal plants. You can also veiw the online version of Turning the Pages.

  • Objects of Art in the National Library of Medicine

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Last reviewed: 21 May 2009
Last updated: 21 May 2009
First published: 30 April 2004
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed