Donating Historical Materials to the National Library of Medicine

The History of Medicine Division (HMD) welcomes donations of historically significant medical material. If you wish to donate historical material, please contact us or fax a list of items, including author, title, format, and place and date of publication.

For more information on donating materials to the Images and Archives Collections of the National Library of Medicine, please see A Guide for Prospective Donors.


To find a book dealer to appraise your rare or out-of-print material, we suggest the following:

Note: The Library does not appraise manuscripts or other historical material.

Contact Information

Books and Journals
Margaret Kaiser, Acquisitions Librarian
Phone: (301) 435-4996
Fax: (301) 402-0872

Images, Films, and Archives
Paul Theerman, Head
Images and Archives
Phone: (301) 594-0975
Fax: (301) 402-0872

Last reviewed: 30 July 2009
Last updated: 30 July 2009
First published: 30 April 2004
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