Our Impact

More than 34,000 farmers in Uganda planted a new hybrid variety of sunflower seed, which yielded double the oil content per acre, increased the farmers’ household incomes by nearly 30 percent, and resulted in a collective net earning of more than $3.7 million over three years.

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Our Reach

Chemonics has projects on five continents. This interactive feature allows you to navigate between regions and countries and read about the projects we are implementing.

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Our Work

Chemonics is an international development consulting firm that promotes meaningful change to help people live healthier, more productive, and more independent lives. Around the world, we design and implement projects in financial services, private sector development, health, environmental management, gender, crisis prevention and recovery, democracy and governance, and agriculture.

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» Expanded microfinance services help tea farmers in Malawi
With the assistance of the USAID-funded Deeping the Microfinance Sector project in Malawi, banks and microfinance institutions increase the reach of their services in rural areas. With newfound access to credit, farmers are able to finance improvements to their land, increasing productivity and incomes.
» Farmer reaps rewards of training in Nigeria
With newer seeds and improved techniques, a Nigerian farmer more than doubles his harvest. After the first year’s success, he plans to plant more crops he can sell to agro-processors, raising his family’s income.
» Opening of civilian airstrip celebrated in Afghanistan
By providing a means to transport cargo quickly, the new airstrip will contribute to efforts to revitalize the country’s agricultural sector. New passenger airline service also will help connect the people of Helmand to the world.


» Chemonics mourns passing of Candy Conrad
Chemonics' second employee, Candy Conrad, died on July 22, 2009. Ms. Conrad, who worked alongside company founder Tony Teele to build Chemonics into one of USAID's largest implementing partners, will be remembered by her colleagues as a gifted mentor and dear friend.

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