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Subject Specialists

This is a list of ERS specialists by topic. For more information on these topics please contact the specialists listed below or browse our subject areas. The ERS staff directory has a complete list of contacts.

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Africa - International

Sub-Saharan Africa's population growth and limited financial resources negate growth in agricultural output and constrain imports. ERS analyzes factors affecting production and trade in 41 African countries for updates for its Food Security assessment report. More...

Stacey Rosen
Room N5169
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5164

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Agricultural Productivity - Farm Practices & Management

Agriculture has been a very successful sector of the U.S. economy in terms of productivity growth. Much of this growth is due to higher yielding crop varieties, better livestock breeding practices, more effective fertilizers and pesticides, and better farm management practices. ERS efforts in productivity measurement include comparing the agricultural productivity and competitiveness of countries worldwide, and extending productivity measures to include unconventional inputs and outputs. More...

Eldon Ball
Room N4095
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5601

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ERS publications by this specialist

Agricultural Productivity - Research & Productivity

Advances in agricultural productivity have led to abundant and affordable food and fiber throughout most of the developed world. Public and private agricultural research has been the foundation and basis for much of this growth and development. The major goals of this ERS research program are to quantify productivity improvements, and the sources of improvement, and to investigate the direction and efficiency of the public and private sectors in enhancing the stock of agricultural knowledge and in developing new technologies. More...

Eldon Ball
Room N4095
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5601

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ERS publications by this specialist

Agricultural Research - Research & Productivity

More efficient agricultural machinery, agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, genetic improvements in crops, and changes in farm management techniques have transformed U.S. agriculture. Agricultural research has been the single most important source of these advances. ERS reports funding trends for agricultural research, assesses the potential for public and private research collaboration, and evaluates the importance of alternative research strategies for enhancing productivity. More...

Paul Heisey
Room S4009
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5526

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ERS publications by this specialist

Animal Products

Animal products are staples in American diets, wardrobes, and medicine chests. Over half of U.S. farms raise animals, and animals and animal products contribute substantially to agricultural trade. ERS experts compile and analyze data on supply and demand for U.S. animal products, and on industry structure, pricing, trade, farm policies, production systems, and processing. More...

Richard Stillman
Room S5205
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5265

ERS publications by this specialist

Aquaculture - Animal Products

Aquaculture is the production of aquatic animals and plants under controlled conditions for all or part of their lifecycle. Interest in aquacultural production is occurring because of diminishing wild harvest seafood supplies and restrictions on the wild harvest of many seafood species. ERS provides background, data, and analysis on the domestic aquaculture industry and U.S. trade in aquacultural products. More...

David Harvey
Room N5141
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5177

ERS publications by this specialist

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Bioenergy - Farm Economy

Development of renewable energy sources is gaining momentum, spurred by rising fuel prices, environmental concerns, pressures for oil independence, and Federal energy policy. Deriving bioenergy from plant materials is among the fastest growing renewable energy technologies. For transportation fuel, corn-based ethanol is by far the largest source of bioenergy in the United States at this time, followed by biodiesel (made from vegetable oils or fats). ERS analyzes and projects the impacts of bioenergy development on commodity supply and demand, farm earnings and expenses, and retail food prices. More...

Margriet Caswell
Room S4187
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5529

ERS publications by this specialist

Greg Pompelli
Room N5092
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5353

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ERS publications by this specialist

Biotechnology - Farm Practices & Management

Adoption of genetically engineered (GE) crops by U.S. farmers has increased most years since these varieties became commercially available in 1996. ERS monitors the extent of GE crop adoption in the U.S., studies the factors that influence adoption, and analyzes the economic impact of adoption of GE crops. More...

Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo
Room S4052
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5537

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ERS publications by this specialist

Biotechnology - Research & Productivity

Strengthening of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in the 1970s and 1980s increased returns to research and offered greater incentives for private companies to invest in seed development and crop biotechnology. ERS studies IPR protection in agricultural biotechnology and its interrelationship with research activities and industry structure. More...

Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo
Room S4052
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5537

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ERS publications by this specialist

Biotechnology - Trade & International Markets

The recent surge in agricultural biotechnology has affected food and feed markets both domestically and internationally. ERS research includes the costs of market segregation for biotech and nonbiotech soybeans and corn, the ramifications of differing consumer preferences and national biotech policies on trade flows, the role of the Government in facilitating market differentiation, and the economics of food. ERS also examines consumer attitudes toward biotechnology and the role of consumer preferences in shaping market trends. More...

Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo
Room S4052
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5537

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

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Cattle & Beef - Animal Products

The United States has the largest fed-cattle industry in the world, and is the world's largest producer of beef, primarily high-quality, grain-fed beef for domestic and export use. Beef production is affected by the 8-12 year cattle cycle, a series of peaks and troughs in herd size, and by feed grain supplies and prices. ERS analyzes conditions and events that influence supply, demand, trade, and prices in domestic and global cattle and beef markets. More...

Kenneth Mathews
Room N5103
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5183

ERS publications by this specialist

Child Nutrition Programs - Food & Nutrition Assistance

USDA's Child Nutrition Programs include the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and the Summer Food Service Program. Together, these programs account for a quarter of USDA's food assistance outlays and provide about 30 million children with healthy meals on a regular basis. ERS research provides policy-relevant information on the effectiveness and efficiency of these programs in promoting the well-being of American children, especially low-income children. More...

Joanne Guthrie
Room N2136
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5373

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ERS publications by this specialist

China - International

China has reduced the role of government intervention and centralized planning and simultaneously increased the role of market forces in agriculture over the last 20 years. As the incomes of China's 1.3 billion people continue to rise, China will be a key, though volatile, market for agricultural exports. ERS economists provide timely analysis, research, and data on China's agricultural supply, consumption, trade, and policies. More...

Francis Tuan
Room N5158
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5238

ERS publications by this specialist

Fred Gale
Room N5157
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5215

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ERS publications by this specialist

Bryan Lohmar
Room N5129
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5226

ERS publications by this specialist

Commodity Outlook - Farm Economy

USDA provides short-term (1 year) and longrun (10-year) baseline projections for the U.S. agricultural sector, which are used for market and policy analysis and for Federal budget estimates. Projections cover key agricultural crop and livestock commodities, as well as agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators such as farm income and food prices and are available through a series of outlook reports. More...

Janet Perry
Room N5117
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5152

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Commodity Policy - Policy Topics

U.S. commodity programs are designed to enhance and stabilize agricultural prices and farm income. ERS analyzes existing and proposed agricultural policies and programs, evaluating the economic effects on producers, consumers, taxpayers, and rural communities of current farm legislation and alternative policy instruments and programs. More...

Anne Effland
Room S5182
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5319

ERS publications by this specialist

Edwin Young
Room S5191
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5336

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Commodity Trade - Trade & International Markets

For most U.S. agricultural commodities, a growing share of total production or use is exported or imported, making trade critical to U.S. agriculture. ERS analyzes U.S. trade and estimates total trade by commodity and country. Limited information on bilateral trade for selected foreign countries with non-U.S. trading partners is available. More...

Nora Brooks
Room N5163
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5211

ERS publications by this specialist

Alberto Jerardo
Room N5164
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5266

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Conservation & Environmental Policy - Policy Topics

Crop and livestock production can damage water quality, wildlife habitat (including wetlands), and air quality. Conservation and environmental policy encourage adoption of environmentally sound practices through voluntary payment programs, regulation, and other means. ERS conducts economic research on the efficiency, effectiveness, and equity of policies and programs directed toward improving the environmental performance of the agricultural sector. More...

Marc Ribaudo
Room S4194
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5488

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ERS publications by this specialist

Conservation Practices & Programs - Natural Resources & Environment

Agricultural production uses land, fertilizers, pesticides, water, and other inputs that can have an impact on the environment and potentially harm human and ecosystem health. Using conservation practices can reduce these impacts. Conservation programs provide incentives for the voluntary adoption of conservation practices by agricultural producers. More...

Roger Claassen
Room S4008
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5473

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ERS publications by this specialist

Conservation Practices - Farm Practices & Management

Conservation practices consist of a bundle of management practices (crop rotations, cover crops, conservation tillage, etc.); and structural measures (buffers, grassed waterways, terraces, water diversion structures, etc.) that are designed to reduce soil erosion, maintain soil quality and productivity, and protect water and air from sediment, windblown dust, and other pollutants contained in field runoff. ERS examines the adoption, costs, and benefits of conservation practices and their effectiveness in controlling soil erosion and protecting soil and water quality. More...

Carmen Sandretto
Room N4098
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5622

ERS publications by this specialist

Corn & Feed Grains - Crops

Corn is the most widely produced feed grain in the United States and is also processed into a multitude of food and industrial products including starch, sweeteners, corn oil, beverage and industrial alcohol, and fuel ethanol. The United States is a major player in the world corn trade market. ERS analyzes events in the domestic and global corn markets that influence supply, demand, trade, and prices. More...

Allen Baker
Room S5213
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5290

ERS publications by this specialist

Edward Allen
Room S5008
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5288

ERS publications by this specialist

Costs of Production - Farm Economy

USDA is required to develop annual estimates of the costs of producing wheat, feed grains, cotton, and milk. ERS also produces estimates for soybeans, rice, cow-calf, hogs and other major crops and livestock. Cost estimates are used for program adjustments and policy analysis, and ERS uses the data for research in such areas as farm structure and performance, technology adoption, and international competitiveness More...

William McBride
Room N5099
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5577

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ERS publications by this specialist

Costs of Production - Farm Practices & Management

USDA is required to develop annual estimates of the costs of producing wheat, feed grains, cotton, and milk. ERS also produces estimates for soybeans, rice, cow-calf, hogs and other major crops and livestock. Cost estimates are used for program adjustments and policy analysis, and ERS uses the data for research in such areas as farm structure and performance, technology adoption, and international competitiveness More...

William McBride
Room N5099
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5577

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Cotton & Wool - Crops

Cotton accounts for nearly 40 percent of total world fiber production and is produced by some 80 countries. The United States, China, and India together provide over half the world's cotton. The U.S. wool industry, in contrast, has been moving toward smaller inventories and fewer operations since the mid-1970s. ERS analyzes events in the U.S. and international cotton and textile markets that influence supply, demand, prices, and trade. More...

Leslie Meyer
Room S5223
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5307

ERS publications by this specialist

Stephen MacDonald
Room S5220
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5305

ERS publications by this specialist

Cropping Practices - Farm Practices & Management

The use of efficient farming practices has resulted in greatly increased agricultural productivity, but has also raised concerns about the extensive use of commercial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. ERS researches the factors that influence farmers' decisions to use various pest, nutrient, and soil management practices such as crop rotations and crop residue management, as well as seed and water use and considers the potential environmental and economic effects of these decisions. More...

Glenn Schaible
Room S4048
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5549

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ERS publications by this specialist

Cropping Practices - Natural Resources & Environment

The use of efficient farming practices has resulted in greatly increased agricultural productivity, but has also raised concerns about the extensive use of commercial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. ERS researches the factors that influence farmers' decisions to use various pest, nutrient, and soil management practices such as crop rotations and crop residue management, as well as seed and water use and considers the potential environmental and economic effects of these decisions. More...

Glenn Schaible
Room S4048
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5549

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Dairy - Animal Products

Cash receipts from milk and dairy products are about equal to those from feed crops and are second only to beef among the livestock industries. ERS provides research and analysis on farm milk output; dairy product production, marketing, and consumption; international markets and trade in dairy products; and government dairy programs. More...

Donald Blayney
Room N5106
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5171

ERS publications by this specialist

Roger Hoskin
Room N5083
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5148

ERS publications by this specialist

Diet Quality & Nutrition - Diet, Health, & Safety

Americans enjoy one of the most bountiful and affordable food supplies in the world. Yet, some Americans face food insufficiencies while others struggle with balancing overconsumption of some nutrients and underconsumption of others. ERS examines the interplay of social, economic, and demographic factors on food choices and the effect of these choices on diet quality and health. ERS research contributes to the debate on nutrition policy and the efficacy of the Nation's food assistance programs. More...

Biing-Hwan Lin
Room N2110
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5458

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Lisa Mancino
Room N2098
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5563

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Diet, Health, & Safety

Diet and lifestyle choices affect health and well-being, as do food safety policies and practices. ERS research examines the effect of economic factors—prices, income, and demographic characteristics—and nutrition education and food policy on food choices and, in turn, dietary quality. In the food safety arena, ERS research is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public food safety policies and programs. ERS food safety research focuses on analysis of the human-illness costs of foodborne disease and assessment of food safety incentives and activities of industry, consumers, and government. More...

Biing-Hwan Lin
Room N2110
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5458

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ERS publications by this specialist

Lisa Mancino
Room N2098
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5563

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ERS publications by this specialist

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Education, Information, & Labeling - Diet, Health, & Safety

In recent years, policymakers have increasingly turned to information to influence consumer and producer behavior. Information policy involves providing (or requiring) information about specific product attributes, the proper use of a product, or best production practices. ERS conducts policy-relevant research into the theory, application, and efficacy of education programs, product labeling, and advertising. More...

Fred Kuchler
Room N2097
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5468

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Jessica Todd
Room S2089
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5363

ERS publications by this specialist

Environmental Quality - Natural Resources & Environment

The transformation of undisturbed land to crop production and the inputs and practices used to produce agricultural products can destroy wildlife habitat, pollute the air and water, degrade soil quality, and affect water supplies. The extent and degree of the environmental problems associated with agriculture vary widely across the country. ERS assesses the impacts agriculture has on the environment and how changes in production practices can harm or enhance environmental quality. More...

Marc Ribaudo
Room S4194
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5488

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ERS publications by this specialist

Europe - International

The European Union (EU) is comprised of 27 countries with a population of nearly half a billion people. In the past, the EU was a large net importer of U.S. agricultural products but recently it became a large net exporter to the United States. The EU is also an important U.S. competitor in world agricultural markets. ERS economists analyze EU commodity production, consumption, and trade, with special attention to agricultural policy reforms, EU enlargement, and issues affecting U.S. trade, as well as analysis of Eastern Europe and former member states of the Soviet Union. More...

David Kelch
Room N5085
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5151

ERS publications by this specialist

Nancy Cochrane
Room N5088
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5143

ERS publications by this specialist

Exchange Rates - Trade & International Markets

Exchange rates are a critical measure of a country's trade competitiveness. ERS economists provide real (adjusted for inflation) exchange-rate data and forecasts to assist in measuring U.S. trade competitiveness for various commodities and countries. More...

Mathew Shane
Room S5201
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5282

ERS publications by this specialist

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Farm Business Management - Farm Practices & Management

Farm business management is how farms are organized, operated, and financed. Decisions are made for broad areas of business activity that includes production, finance, human resources, and procurement and marketing of inputs, products and services. This topic identifies how management decisions are reflected in farm business systems, resource allocation, and financial position and business performance. More...

Jim Johnson
Room N4117
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5570

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ERS publications by this specialist

Farm Employment - Farm Economy

Hired farmworkers make up less than 1 percent of U.S. wage and salary workers, but they make a major contribution to agricultural production by providing labor during critical production periods. Although important to agriculture, hired farmworkers continue to be one of the most economically disadvantaged groups in the United States. ERS research contributes to the understanding of the supply of and demand for agricultural labor, socioeconomic characteristics of the agricultural work force, and implications of changing U.S. policies and programs for farm employment and wages. More...

William Kandel
Room N4057
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5021

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Farm Employment - Rural Economy

Hired farmworkers make up less than 1 percent of U.S. wage and salary workers, but they make a major contribution to agricultural production by providing labor during critical production periods. Although important to agriculture, hired farmworkers continue to be one of the most economically disadvantaged groups in the United States. ERS research contributes to the understanding of the supply of and demand for agricultural labor, socioeconomic characteristics of the agricultural work force, and implications of changing U.S. policies and programs for farm employment and wages. More...

William Kandel
Room N4057
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5021

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Farm Financial Management & Performance - Farm Economy

A dynamic policy and economic environment poses challenges to farm management. Farmers are confronting greater risks and greater flexibility to make changes in their business plans and organizations. This topic measures the financial status of farm and ranch businesses, including their degree of indebtedness and vulnerability to changes in income, cash flow, input costs, and interest rates, and identifies economic, policy, demographic, and other factors that contribute to the financial performance of farms. More...

Mitch Morehart
Room N4121
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5581

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ERS publications by this specialist

Farm Household Well-being - Farm Economy

An economic assessment of farm household well-being includes both household income and wealth. The level of household wealth affects the ability of farm households to maintain consumption expenditures in times of income shortfall, to secure credit, and to transfer wealth to future generations. In addition to the economic measures, other criteria (e.g. the health of individuals and their families) are central to the overall well-being of households. Healthy individuals and families have greater ability to learn new skills, earn more income, and generate wealth to support current and future consumption. More...

Mary Ahearn
Room N4158
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5583

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ERS publications by this specialist

Farm Household Well-being - Rural Economy

An economic assessment of farm household well-being includes both household income and wealth. The level of household wealth affects the ability of farm households to maintain consumption expenditures in times of income shortfall, to secure credit, and to transfer wealth to future generations. In addition to the economic measures, other criteria (e.g. the health of individuals and their families) are central to the overall well-being of households. Healthy individuals and families have greater ability to learn new skills, earn more income, and generate wealth to support current and future consumption. More...

Mary Ahearn
Room N4158
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5583

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ERS publications by this specialist

Farm Income - Farm Economy

The ERS farm income program measures, forecasts, and explains indicators of economic performance for the U.S. farm sector and for the agricultural sector within States. Policy analysts in the USDA, Congress, and the public and private sector use the program's analyses and data to form a perspective about the financial health of the U.S. agricultural economy and its participants and to gauge the necessity for and the performance of farm legislation. More...

Roger Strickland
Room N4114
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5592

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Farm Income Policy - Policy Topics

Enhancing and stabilizing farm income is a fundamental feature of U.S. agricultural policy. ERS provides short- and long-term projections of farm income and analyzes the impacts on farm income of existing and proposed agricultural policies and programs. More...

Mitch Morehart
Room N4121
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5581

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ERS publications by this specialist

Farm Income - Rural Economy

The ERS farm income program measures, forecasts, and explains indicators of economic performance for the U.S. farm sector and for the agricultural sector within states. Policy analysts in the USDA, Congress, public and private sector use the program's analyses and data to form a perspective about the financial health of the U.S. agricultural economy and its participants and to gauge the necessity for and the performance of farm legislation. More...

Roger Strickland
Room N4114
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5592

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Farm Management & Performance - Research & Productivity

The many challenges to successful farm management posed by the dynamic policy and economic environment in which farms operate mean that farmers are confronting greater risks and greater flexibility to make changes in their business plans and organizations. This topic measures the financial status of farm and ranch businesses including their degree of indebtedness and vulnerability to changes in income, cash flow, input costs, and interest rates, and identifies economic, policy, demographic, and other factors that contribute to the financial performance of farms. More...

Mitch Morehart
Room N4121
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5581

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ERS publications by this specialist

Farm Population - Rural Economy

Information on the size, location, and characteristics of the U.S. farm population promotes efficient and responsive policymaking in today's diverse farm economy. ERS research on farm population focuses on changing demographic characteristics of principal farm operators, assessments of household income, and trends in hired farm labor. More...

John Cromartie
Room N4084
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5421

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Farm Practices & Management

Farmers produce food and fiber using a wide variety of farm practices and management systems that differ by commodity, region, and farm and operator characteristics. The mix of inputs, practices, and technologies used by farmers, when combined with land, labor, and water resources, affects production costs; farm income; and soil, water and air quality. ERS provides information on manufactured input use, costs of production, adoption levels of production and conservation practices and technologies, and land and water resource use for the agricultural sector and selected commodities. More...

Utpal Vasavada
Room S4039
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5540

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Farm Structure - Farm Economy

Farm structure underlies the efficiency and competitiveness of the farm sector, the well-being of farm households, the design of public policies, and the nature of rural areas. Farm structure covers a variety of topics, including the number and size of farms, concentration of production, tenure, farm organization, business arrangements (including contractual agreements), and the characteristics of farmers and their households. The ERS research program in this area seeks to analyze the key factors affecting farm structure. More...

Robert Hoppe
Room N4155
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5572

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David Harrington
Room S4180
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5571

ERS publications by this specialist

Fertilizer Use - Farm Practices & Management

The high yields achieved in crop production in the United States require that large amounts of nutrients be applied to the soil to replace those withdrawn during the production cycle. While animal manure and other organic materials contribute to nutrient replacement, commercial fertilizers remain the major source of applied plant nutrients. ERS provides information on U.S. fertilizer trade, commercial fertilizer application rates, and the adoption of nutrient management practices for selected crops. More...

Wen Huang
Room S4036
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5542

ERS publications by this specialist

Fertilizer Use - Natural Resources & Environment

The application of commercial fertilizers is economically beneficial for most farmers. However, when manure and/or commercial fertilizer quantities or application timing are not consistent with crop requirements and growing cycle conditions, excess nutrients can harm the environment, polluting ground water and/or surface water, lakes, streams, and rivers. ERS provides information on commercial fertilizer application rates, the adoption of nutrient management practices for selected crops, and conservation programs designed to enhance the environment. More...

Wen Huang
Room S4036
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5542

ERS publications by this specialist

Food & Nutrition Assistance

About 1 in 5 Americans participates in at least one of USDA's 15 food assistance programs at some point during the year, and Federal outlays for these programs account for over half of USDA's total budget. ERS studies and evaluates many aspects of these programs, including their outcomes and effects on vulnerable populations, their operations and integrity, their role in food security, and their relationship with the general economy. More...

Victor Oliveira
Room N2181
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5434

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Food & Nutrition Assistance Policy - Policy Topics

USDA's domestic food assistance programs—including the Food Stamp Program, WIC, and the child nutrition programs—affect the daily lives of millions of people. These programs share the main goal of ensuring the health of vulnerable Americans by providing access to a nutritionally adequate diet. ERS research has expanded understanding of the impact of program participation on a number of diet and health outcomes. More...

Victor Oliveira
Room N2181
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5434

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Joanne Guthrie
Room N2136
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5373

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

John Kirlin
Room N2154
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5398

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Assistance & Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) - Food & Nutrition Assistance

The Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) at ERS is responsible for conducting studies and evaluations of the Nation's food assistance programs. FANRP funds a portfolio of extramural research, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts that are competitively awarded through a peer review process. This research is designed to meet the critical information needs of the Administration, Congress, program managers, policy officials, program participants, the research community, and the public at large. More...

Victor Oliveira
Room N2181
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5434

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Assistance - Diet, Health, & Safety

USDA's food assistance and nutrition programs—including the Food Stamp Program, WIC, and child nutrition programs—affect the daily lives of millions of people. These programs share the main goal of ensuring the health of vulnerable Americans by providing access to a nutritionally adequate diet and nutrition education. ERS research has expanded understanding of the programs' impacts on health and well-being of children, adults, and families. More...

Victor Oliveira
Room N2181
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5434

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Consumption - Diet, Health, & Safety

Food choices affect the diet quality of individuals and the types of crops that America's farmers grow. ERS monitors Americans' food choices through its long-standing per capita food supply data series, as well as numerous consumer surveys. ERS analyzes these choices to help policymakers understand how and why dietary patterns have changed over time and the implications of these trends. More...

Hodan Farah Wells
Room S2078
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5578

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Jean Buzby
Room S2080
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5370

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Prices & Expenditures - Diet, Health, & Safety

Trends in food prices and expenditures impact both consumers and producers in the food industry. ERS's analysis and forecasting of the CPI for food and its components helps industry analysts and policymakers improve their estimates of future business and program policy costs. ERS's expenditure series provides historical data on U.S. consumer food spending for the years 1869-2004. More...

Ephraim Leibtag
Room N2124
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5349

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Annette Clauson
Room N2189
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5389

ERS publications by this specialist

Hayden Stewart
Room N2118
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5394

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Prices & Expenditures - Food Sector

Trends in food prices and expenditures impact both consumers and producers in the food industry. ERS's analysis and forecasting of the CPI for food and its components helps industry analysts and policymakers improve their estimates of future business and program policy costs. ERS also maintains a comprehensive research program on food expenditures over time, and by demographic group, the general population, and households eligible for food assistance programs. More...

Ephraim Leibtag
Room N2124
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5349

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Hayden Stewart
Room N2118
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5394

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Safety & Trade - Trade & International Markets

Expanding food trade has brought into sharper relief the divergence among countries' food safety regulations and standards. Such differences can cause frictions and even disputes that interrupt international food trade. ERS examines how countries tackle food safety and trade issues by learning from each other's successes in managing food safety to narrow regulatory differences, collaborate to adopt common or international standards set by a third party, or reach compromises on conflicting standards. More...

Jean Buzby
Room S2080
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5370

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Safety Policy - Policy Topics

USDA, along with other Federal agencies, has responsibility for many regulations and initiatives to assure a safe and affordable food supply. ERS research helps decisionmakers assess the effectiveness of policies and programs by evaluating the benefits of human illness prevention, cost of industry compliance, economic incentives for innovation, and the net costs of government information programs, regulations, and enforcement. More...

Fred Kuchler
Room N2097
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5468

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Jean Buzby
Room S2080
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5370

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Michael Ollinger
Room S2081
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5454

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Safety - Diet, Health, & Safety

Increased concern over foodborne disease has encouraged additional government regulation as well as additional investments by industry in new technologies and manufacturing procedures. ERS analyses include examining public and private incentives for food safety, estimating the societal costs of human foodborne disease, and estimating the impact of regulatory options on firms in domestic and international markets. More...

Fred Kuchler
Room N2097
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5468

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Michael Ollinger
Room S2081
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5454

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Paul Frenzen
Room S2083
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5351

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Safety - Food Sector

Increased concern over foodborne disease has encouraged additional government regulation as well as additional investments by industry in new technologies and manufacturing procedures. ERS analyses include examining public and private incentives for food safety, estimating the societal costs of human foodborne disease, and estimating the impact of regulatory options on firms in domestic and international markets. More...

Fred Kuchler
Room N2097
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5468

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Michael Ollinger
Room S2081
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5454

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Paul Frenzen
Room S2083
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5351

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ERS publications by this specialist

Food Sector

The U.S. food sector is a complex network of food processors and food marketing industries that link farmers to consumers—wholesalers, retailers, and foodservice establishments. ERS develops data describing the economic health and dynamics of the food sector. ERS research analyzes the causes of structural change in the food sector and its impact on food markets and consumers. More...

Ephraim Leibtag
Room N2124
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5349

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Annette Clauson
Room N2189
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5389

ERS publications by this specialist

Phillip Kaufman
Room N2121
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5376

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Hayden Stewart
Room N2118
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5394

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Stephen Martinez
Room N2145
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5378

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Security & Hunger - Diet, Health, & Safety

ERS plays a leading role in Federal research on food security—access to enough food for active, healthy living—and hunger in U.S. households and communities. This research facilitates informed public debate regarding food security, its impact on the well-being of children, adults, families, and communities, and its relationship to public policies, public assistance programs, and the economy. More...

Mark Nord
Room N2180
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5433

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Security & Hunger - Food & Nutrition Assistance

ERS plays a leading role in Federal research on food security—access to enough food for active, healthy living—and hunger in U.S. households and communities. This research facilitates informed public debate regarding food security, its impact on the well-being of children, adults, families, and communities, and its relationship to public policies, public assistance programs, and the economy. More...

Mark Nord
Room N2180
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5433

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Security & Hunger - Trade & International Markets

The growth rate in world food production has surpassed population growth, meaning more food available per person. But this abundance is distributed unevenly. Many low-income countries have difficulty producing enough food, but more common is inequality of food consumption within countries. ERS analyzes the availability and distribution of food supplies in developing countries and the effectiveness of international food aid programs. More...

Shahla Shapouri
Room N5077
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5166

ERS publications by this specialist

Stacey Rosen
Room N5169
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5164

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Food Stamp Program - Food & Nutrition Assistance

The Food Stamp Program is the Nation's largest food assistance program, serving about 27 million low-income Americans in 2005. The program also serves as a source of demand for the products of American farmers and food companies. ERS conducts research on participation trends, benefits targeting and access, program outcomes, interactions with other assistance programs, and interactions with the economy. More...

Margaret Andrews
Room N2139
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5441

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

John Kirlin
Room N2154
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5398

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Fruit & Tree Nuts - Crops

The United States is among the top producers and consumers of fruit and tree nuts in the world. Each year, fruit and tree nut production generates over 10 percent of U.S. farm cash receipts for all agricultural crops. ERS economists analyze U.S. supply, demand, prices, and trade for fresh and processing fruit and tree nuts. More...

Susan Pollack
Room N5057
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5251

ERS publications by this specialist

Agnes Perez
Room S5050
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5255

ERS publications by this specialist

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Genetic Resources - Research & Productivity

All agricultural commodities, including modern varieties, descend from wild and improved genetic resources found around the world. As a critical input into agricultural R&D systems, genetic resources affect domestic and world food security by increasing productivity and providing protection against pests and diseases. ERS analyzes genetic resources as an input in the production system, and the value and role of genetic diversity. More...

Kelly Day-Rubenstein
Room S4015
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5515

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Global Productivity - Research & Productivity

Agricultural productivity depends not only on inputs like labor, fertilizer, and machinery, but also on land, climate, genetic materials, and other resources. ERS has analyzed how the availability and quality of these resources affect agricultural productivity at regional and global levels, and how farmers' management choices are influenced by economic, environmental, and institutional factors. More...

Keith Fuglie
Room N4099
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5588

ERS publications by this specialist

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Hogs & Pork - Animal Products

The United States is one of the world's largest pork producers and a major player in the world pork market. Frequently the largest pork exporting country, it is also a top importer. ERS provides market analysis on the domestic and world pork markets, including domestic supply and utilization, farm and retail pork prices, and international trade. More...

Mildred Haley
Room N5100
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5176

ERS publications by this specialist

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India - International

India is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world, as well as the second most populous. Faster growth is strengthening and diversifying consumer demand and boosting India's demand for imported vegetable oils, pulses, wheat, and cotton. ERS research focuses on understanding the trade implications of changes in consumer demand, market structure, domestic and trade policy that are likely to occur as the Indian economy continues its rapid expansion. More...

Maurice Landes
Room N5160
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5145

ERS publications by this specialist

Intellectual Property Rights - Trade & International Markets

Intellectual property rights such as patents, plant variety protection certificates, trade secrets and other protection instruments strongly influence R&D decisions, particularly those made in the private sector, where the majority of agricultural research is now pursued. ERS collects and summarizes data on the use of intellectual property in agriculture, and analyzes the effects of changing intellectual property policy on research conduct. More...

Paul Heisey
Room S4009
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5526

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Intellectual Property Rights - Research & Productivity

Intellectual property rights such as patents, plant variety protection certificates, trade secrets and other protection instruments strongly influence R&D decisions, particularly those made in the private sector, where the majority of agricultural research is now pursued. ERS collects and summarizes data on the use of intellectual property in agriculture, and analyzes the effects of changing intellectual property policy on research conduct. More...

Paul Heisey
Room S4009
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5526

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist


International markets absorb a large share of U.S. agricultural output and supply many food and fiber products to U.S. consumers. ERS specialists provide wide-ranging research and analysis on production, consumption, and trade of key agricultural commodities and on agricultural policies of countries and regions important to U.S. agriculture, as well as on international trade agreements and food security issues. More...

Mary Anne Normile
Room N5131
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5162

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ERS publications by this specialist

Invasive Species Management - Farm Practices & Management

Invasive species are nonnative, alien, or exotic plant pests (such as insects, weeds, or pathogens), animal and zoonotic disease pathogens, or other organisms that cause economic or environmental harm to U.S. agriculture, range, and forest systems, or are likely to cause harm if they enter the United States. USDA, State, and other agencies have programs to prevent entry and to detect, monitor, and manage invasive species that enter the United States or spread to new regions. ERS conducts and funds economic research to support the effort to efficiently prevent and manage invasive species for the sake of competitiveness, safety, and security of the U.S. food and fiber system. More...

Craig Osteen
Room S4024
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5547

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Invasive Species Management - Natural Resources & Environment

Invasive species are nonnative, alien, or exotic plant pests (such as insects, weeds, or pathogens), animal and zoonotic disease pathogens, or other organisms that cause economic or environmental harm to U.S. agriculture, range, and forest systems, or are likely to cause harm if they enter the United States. USDA, State, and other agencies have programs to prevent entry and to detect, monitor, and manage invasive species that enter the United States or spread to new regions. ERS conducts and funds economic research to support the effort to efficiently prevent and manage invasive species for the sake of competitiveness, safety, and security of the U.S. food and fiber system. More...

Craig Osteen
Room S4024
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5547

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Invasive Species - Trade & International Markets

Trade is essential to the U.S. agricultural sector, but increased movement of people and products across international borders creates new risks of introducing invasive species that can damage food and fiber production. ERS research on invasive species examines economic issues related to managing invasive pests in increasingly global agricultural markets. More...

Donna Roberts
Room N5111
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5193

ERS publications by this specialist

Irrigation & Water Use - Farm Practices & Management

Conserving irrigation technologies and water management practices help irrigated agriculture make significant contributions to farm income, the value of U.S. agricultural output, and to improvements in environmental quality of the Nation's ground and surface water resources. ERS analyzes the role that irrigation technology and management practices play in advancing USDA farm, resource, and environmental policy goals. More...

Marcel Aillery
Room S4204
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5511

ERS publications by this specialist

Irrigation & Water Use - Natural Resources & Environment

Agriculture accounts for 80 percent of the Nation's water use and over 90 percent in many Western States. ERS monitors and investigates water use, water allocation, water conservation, and other water management issues facing irrigated agriculture. The focus is on irrigated agriculture, but other sectors are examined for their competitive influence on water supplies and impacts of water reallocations among agricultural, environmental, and urban users. More...

Glenn Schaible
Room S4048
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5549

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ERS publications by this specialist

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Japan - International

Japan is a major importer of agricultural products and the United States is the leading supplier of Japan's agricultural imports. Japan protects key sectors of its agricultural production with tariffs, which have contributed to high food costs in Japan, but Japan remains one of the largest export markets for U.S. agriculture. ERS analyzes important aspects of Japan's food and agricultural sectors and the policies that affect Japan's role in world agricultural trade. More...

John Dyck
Room N5159
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5221

ERS publications by this specialist

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Labeling & Information Policy - Policy Topics

Policymakers have a number of tools to influence market outcomes, including taxes, subsidies, and both production and marketing regulations. In recent years, policymakers have increasingly turned to information to influence consumer and producer behavior. Information policy involves providing or requiring information about specific product attributes, the proper use of a product, or best production practices. ERS conducts policy-relevant research into the theory, application, and efficacy of information programs, product labeling, and advertising. More...

Fred Kuchler
Room N2097
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5468

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Paul Frenzen
Room S2083
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5351

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Jessica Todd
Room S2089
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5363

ERS publications by this specialist

Land Use & Tenure - Farm Practices & Management

Whether land is allocated to crops, pasture and rangeland, urban development or other land uses has important economic and environmental implications. For over 50 years, ERS has provided the only consistent measurements of all major uses of public and private land in the United States. ERS also conducts a variety of research on the economics and impacts of land-use changes, the value of agricultural land, the characteristics of land owners and operators, and government programs to preserve land in agricultural production. More...

Michael Brady
Room S4177
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5513

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Land Use & Tenure - Natural Resources & Environment

Whether land is allocated to crops, pasture and rangeland, urban development or other land uses has important economic and environmental implications. For over 50 years, ERS has provided the only consistent measurements of all major uses of public and private land in the United States. ERS also conducts a variety of research on the economics and impacts of land-use changes, the value of agricultural land, the characteristics of land owners and operators, and government programs to preserve land in agricultural production. More...

Michael Brady
Room S4177
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5513

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

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Macroeconomic Linkages - Farm Practices & Management

The U.S. agricultural sector is affected by four key macroeconomic variables: exchange rates, interest rates, income growth, and terms of trade. ERS analyzes the impact of changes in these macroeconomic factors on U.S. agriculture. More...

Mathew Shane
Room S5201
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5282

ERS publications by this specialist

Macroeconomic Linkages - Rural Economy

Changes in Federal farm and rural programs generate impacts in the rural economy beyond the farmgate. These macroeconomic linkages affect farm and nonfarm employment, farm and rural households, as well as the overall rural economic performance. ERS analyzes the degree to which changes in USDA programs or economic conditions could produce significant macroeconomic linkage effects in the rural economy. More...

Stephen Vogel
Room N4116
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5368

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ERS publications by this specialist

Macroeconomic Linkages - Trade & International Markets

International and domestic macroeconomic shocks can cause major changes in the main factors linking the macroeconomy and agriculture—exchange rates, consumer income, rural employment, and interest rates—resulting in changes in a country's agricultural prices, production, consumption, and trade. ERS analysts evaluate the impact on U.S. agricultural exports of international financial developments in significant market countries. More...

Mathew Shane
Room S5201
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5282

ERS publications by this specialist

Manure Management - Farm Practices & Management

Manure waste from animal feeding operations can jeopardize water and air quality. ERS analyzes the extent of manure problems, their environmental implications, the environmental and economic impacts of alternate management practices, and the economic impacts of regulations and potential regulations. Research in this subject area focuses on the on-farm utilization of manure as a nutrient source for crop production. More...

Marc Ribaudo
Room S4194
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5488

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Manure Management - Natural Resources & Environment

Manure waste from confined animal feeding operations can jeopardize water and air quality. ERS analyzes the extent of manure problems, their environmental implications, the environmental and economic impacts of alternate management practices, and the economic impacts of regulations and potential regulations. More...

Marc Ribaudo
Room S4194
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5488

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Market Analysis - Farm Economy

ERS provides market analysis for the U.S. agricultural and food sector covering key agricultural crop and livestock commodities, agricultural trade, and food products. Analyses cover market and policy impacts on agricultural crop and livestock commodities, as well as agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators such as farm income and food prices. More...

Janet Perry
Room N5117
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5152

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Market Analysis - Trade & International Markets

ERS provides market analysis for the U.S. agricultural and food sector covering key agricultural crop and livestock commodities, agricultural trade, and food products. Analyses cover market and policy impacts on agricultural crop and livestock commodities, as well as agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators such as farm income and food prices. More...

Janet Perry
Room N5117
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5152

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Market Structure & Concentration - Farm Economy

The structure of agricultural markets, including concentration, vertical coordination, and use of contracts, primarily determines how the food system performs in terms of prices, product selection, and profitability of stakeholders. ERS research on market structure and concentration monitors trends in the organization of the food system to inform policymakers and the public of the efficiency and equity of market performance. More...

James MacDonald
Room N4092
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5610

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Market Structure & Concentration - Food Sector

Market structure is broadly defined as the factors that determine the competitiveness of an industry, including the size and number of firms and establishments, the concentration of production or sales in the hands of industry leaders, and the extent of vertical coordination. ERS monitors changes in market structure across the food system and analyzes the impacts on prices, production, efficiency, and other performance measures. More...

Stephen Martinez
Room N2145
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5378

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Measuring Rurality - Rural Economy

Policymakers and researchers frequently have to address issues that require an understanding of how rural areas are distinct from urban. ERS has developed several classification schemes to measure rurality and to capture the economic and social diversity in rural America. These schemes classify areas on the basis of population size, proximity to a metropolitan area, degree of urbanization, population of the largest city, commuting patterns, as well as primary economic activity and policy relevancy. More...

Timothy Parker
Room N4077
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5435

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ERS publications by this specialist

Mexico - International

Mexico is the United States' second largest export market for agricultural commodities and the second most important supplier of agricultural commodities to the United States. The markets of North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico) are increasingly integrated through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). ERS analyzes Mexico's agricultural production, consumption, trade, and policies, focusing on their impact on the United States. More...

Steven Zahniser
Room N5161
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5230

ERS publications by this specialist

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Natural Resources & Environment

Agriculture uses land, fertilizers, pesticides, water, and other inputs to produce food and fiber. How these inputs are used has implications for the health of the environment, including air quality, water quality, soil quality, wildlife, and human health. ERS tracks the use of inputs used in production, develops indicators for assessing conditions and trends of natural resource, and assesses linkages between agricultural and environmental policies and environmental quality. More...

Marc Ribaudo
Room S4194
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5488

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

North America & Caribbean - International

Canada and Mexico, as partners with the United States in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), are the source of over one-third of U.S. agricultural imports and the destination for nearly one-third of U.S. exports, which also find markets in the Caribbean. ERS regional specialists provide research, analysis, and data about agricultural production, consumption, trade, and policies of Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. More...

Steven Zahniser
Room N5161
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5230

ERS publications by this specialist

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Trade & International Markets

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a comprehensive trade liberalizing agreement among Canada, Mexico, and the United States. ERS economists provide data and analysis concerning the impact of NAFTA on U.S. agriculture and related issues, including the potential impact of proposed trade agreements, such as the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). More...

Steven Zahniser
Room N5161
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5230

ERS publications by this specialist

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Organic Agriculture - Farm Practices & Management

U.S. producers are turning to organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. At the same time, retailers are meeting growing consumer demand for organic food by offering a wider variety of organic products. ERS has research underway on the adoption of organic farming systems in the U.S. agricultural sector, procurement of organic products by intermediaries, and the demographic characteristics of organic consumers. More...

Catherine Greene
Room S4051
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5541

ERS publications by this specialist

Organic Agriculture - Food Sector

U.S. producers are turning to organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. At the same time, retailers are meeting growing consumer demand for organic food by offering a wider variety of organic products. ERS has research underway on the adoption of organic farming systems in the U.S. agricultural sector, procurement of organic products by intermediaries, and the demographic characteristics of organic consumers. More...

Carolyn Dimitri
Room S5053
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5252

ERS publications by this specialist

Organic Agriculture - Natural Resources & Environment

U.S. producers are turning to organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. At the same time, retailers are meeting growing consumer demand for organic food by offering a wider variety of organic products. ERS has research underway on the adoption of organic farming systems in the U.S. agricultural sector, procurement of organic products by intermediaries, and the demographic characteristics of organic consumers. More...

Catherine Greene
Room S4051
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5541

ERS publications by this specialist

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Peanuts - Crops

Peanut production is concentrated in the southeastern, southwestern, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. The United States is the world's third-leading peanut producer and ranks second globally in exports. ERS economists provide current market analysis, research, and data on production, consumption, prices, and trade for peanuts and byproducts. More...

Erik Dohlman
Room N5070
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5308

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Pest Management - Farm Practices & Management

Pests reduce crop and livestock yield and quality and increase the cost of production. ERS provides data on pesticide use, management practices, adoption of genetically modified insect- and herbicide-tolerant cultivars, and control costs by state and commodity. In addition, ERS examines economic and environmental consequences of specific pests, management strategies, and public policies. More...

Michael Livingston
Room S4028
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5543

ERS publications by this specialist

Pest Management - Natural Resources & Environment

Pests reduce crop and livestock yield and quality and increase the cost of production. ERS provides data on pesticide use, management practices, adoption of genetically modified insect- and herbicide-tolerant cultivars, and control costs by state and commodity. In addition, ERS examines economic and environmental consequences of specific pests, management strategies, and public policies. More...

Michael Livingston
Room S4028
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5543

ERS publications by this specialist

Population & Migration - Rural Economy

ERS is the leading Federal source for demographic analysis of rural and small town America. This research focuses on the trend of population change, the extent of in- and out-migration, and factors explaining regional population diversity. The information facilitates informed public debate regarding rural economic development prospects and the well being of at-risk populations, including children, the elderly, racial-ethnic minorities, and immigrants. More...

John Cromartie
Room N4084
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5421

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ERS publications by this specialist

Poultry & Eggs - Animal Products

The U.S. poultry industry is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of poultry meat, and is also a major egg producer. Poultry and egg production is expected to expand in the coming years as domestic demand grows for relatively low-cost, healthy, and convenient meat products and foreign demand is boosted by ongoing trade liberalization and economic growth. More...

David Harvey
Room N5141
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5177

ERS publications by this specialist

Poverty & Well-being - Rural Economy

ERS researches the economic, social, and demographic factors that affect the income and poverty status of rural residents and their receipt of assistance from Federal programs, including food assistance programs. Analyses at both the family (micro) and area (macro) levels provide policymakers with a detailed picture of rural income, poverty, and welfare-program conditions. More...

Robert Gibbs
Room N4076
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5423

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ERS publications by this specialist

Processing - Food Sector

Food processors transform raw agricultural and marine products into intermediate ingredients and final food products. ERS studies how the sector is organized, the technology employed, production costs, and promotion strategies. ERS examines how food processors respond to changing consumer demands and how processors' actions affect farm prices, retail prices, product variety and quality, and other performance dimensions. More...

Stephen Martinez
Room N2145
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5378

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Product Trade - Food Sector

As incomes have risen in many countries during the past few decades, consumers have begun purchasing more high-value food items. Food suppliers have responded to this expanding consumer demand by importing high-value foods from around the world and by investing in processing facilities. The choice to import or produce locally depends on the nature of the product, trade and domestic policy issues, and other factors affecting transaction costs. More...

Anita Regmi
Room N5082
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5161

ERS publications by this specialist

Product Trade - Trade & International Markets

As incomes have risen in many countries during the past few decades, consumers have begun purchasing more high-value food items. Food suppliers have responded to this expanding consumer demand by importing high-value foods from around the world and by investing in processing facilities. The choice to import or produce locally depends on the nature of the product, trade and domestic policy issues, and other factors affecting transaction costs. More...

Anita Regmi
Room N5082
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5161

ERS publications by this specialist

Mark Gehlhar
Room N5165
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5232

ERS publications by this specialist

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Research & Development Policy - Policy Topics

U.S. Federal policies both directly and indirectly affect the creation of knowledge, innovations, and technologies. ERS studies how the Government determines research priorities, allocates funding to public and private research and development (R&D) activities, and offers incentives for technology transfer and use. In addition, ERS provides information on how Federal policies influence intellectual property rights, the education of scientists, and the protection of biological resources in the natural environment and in collections. More...

Margriet Caswell
Room S4187
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5529

ERS publications by this specialist

Research & Productivity

Advances in agricultural productivity have led to abundant and affordable food and fiber throughout most of the developed world. Public and private agricultural research has been the foundation of much of this growth in productivity. ERS quantifies and measures agricultural productivity increases, analyzes the sources of these increases, and investigates the roles of both public and private sectors in enhancing the stock of agricultural knowledge and developing new technologies. More...

Paul Heisey
Room S4009
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5526

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Retailing & Wholesaling - Food Sector

As Americans' food shopping habits change, so, too, must food retailers and wholesalers. ERS analyzes these two dynamic sectors by studying trends in sales, consolidation, financial performance, introduction of new technology, and foreign ownership and direct investment. Research focuses on the implications of these trends for farmers and consumers, especially low-income consumers. More...

Phillip Kaufman
Room N2121
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5376

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Stephen Martinez
Room N2145
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5378

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Rice - Crops

Rice is produced worldwide and is the primary staple for more than half the world's population. The United States, while accounting for less than 2 percent of global production, is a major exporter. Because about half of the U.S. crop is exported each year, the economic viability of the U.S. rice sector is heavily influenced by activities in the global rice market. ERS analyzes events in the domestic and global rice markets that influence supply, demand, trade, and prices. More...

Nathan Childs
Room N5069
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5292

ERS publications by this specialist

Risk Management - Farm Practices & Management

Variability and uncertainty in prices, yields, and foreign markets means that risk management plays an important role in many farm business decisions. A number of risk management tools are available, including Federally subsidized yield and revenue insurance, futures and options, contracting sales and purchases, enterprise diversification, debt-level management, credit, and off-farm employment. ERS conducts cutting-edge research on the effects of risk and risk-management tools on production practices, farm structure, and farm performance. More...

Robert Dismukes
Room S5216
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5294

ERS publications by this specialist

Risk Management Policy - Policy Topics

Variability and uncertainty in prices, yields, and foreign markets means that risk management plays an important role in many farm business decisions. A number of risk management tools are available, including Federally subsidized yield and revenue insurance, futures and options, contracting sales and purchases, enterprise diversification, debt-level management, credit, and off-farm employment. ERS conducts cutting-edge research on the effects of risk and risk-management tools on production practices, farm structure, and farm performance. More...

Robert Dismukes
Room S5216
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5294

ERS publications by this specialist

Rural Development - Rural Economy

Rural America is diverse, with different places facing different conditions. Consequently, rural communities adopt a wide array of development strategies that address their particular needs. These strategies involve several basic components, including infrastructure improvement, business assistance, education and training, amenity-based development, and community development. Local-based strategies often draw on funding from Federal and State governments. More...

Dennis Brown
Room N4110
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5338

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ERS publications by this specialist

Rural Economy

The well-being of rural and small town America depends on the availability of good-paying jobs, access to critical services, strong communities, and a healthy natural environment. ERS research focuses on socioeconomic change and diversity in rural areas and provides information to Federal, State, and local policymakers to help enhance the quality of life and well-being of rural Americans. More...

Robert Gibbs
Room N4076
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5423

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Rural Industry - Rural Economy

Agriculture now plays only a small role in most rural economies and most farm households depend on employment outside of agriculture to supplement farm income. ERS analyzes industrial structure and change in rural areas and the consequences for rural community growth and well-being. ERS also looks at a broad range of community characteristics (population education levels, natural amenities, and urban proximity, for example) associated with economic growth with a view toward understanding which development strategies may be most effective. More...

David McGranahan
Room N4102
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5356

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Rural Labor & Education - Rural Economy

ERS examines the economic and social forces that affect supply and demand among rural workers. The agency provides information and analysis of the employment, earnings, and education levels of the rural population, as well as the economic performance of rural labor markets. More...

Robert Gibbs
Room N4076
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5423

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Rural Policy - Policy Topics

Rural policy involves Federal programs and regulations particularly important for rural economic and community development. ERS assesses Federal funding, policy decisions, and the rural impacts of Federal housing, infrastructure, and business development programs. More...

Richard Reeder
Room N4153
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5360

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Rural/Natural Amenities - Natural Resources & Environment

In addition to producing food and fiber, agricultural land provides amenities such as scenic farm views, wildlife habitats, and an absence of development. As part of its research on rural and natural amenities, ERS analyzes the importance of amenities and trends in the conversion of agricultural land, and helps inform discussions on agricultural land protection policies. More...

David McGranahan
Room N4102
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5356

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Rural/Natural Amenities - Rural Economy

The attraction of new people, whether as vacationers or residents, is an increasingly important source of rural economic vitality. As part of its research on rural and natural amenities, ERS works to identify the landscape, climate, cultural and other features that draw new people to rural areas and examines the consequences for local communities. Since half of the Nation's land is farmland, agriculture and conservation practices and policies are an important part of this research. More...

David McGranahan
Room N4102
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5356

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Russia & Former Soviet Union - International

Economic reforms after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 transformed Russia and other former member states from large importers of grain to large importers of meat, with significant implications for U.S. agricultural export prospects. ERS provides analysis of agricultural supply, consumption, trade, and policies for Russia and other transition economies. More...

William Liefert
Room S5079
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5156

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

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Sheep, Lamb & Mutton - Animal Products

Sheep are raised for both meat (lamb or mutton) and wool. Historically, lamb and mutton have been viewed as byproducts of wool production, but as wool revenues have declined, producers have turned their attention to lamb and mutton production. ERS economists, in cooperation with other USDA agencies, provide market analysis and research on the U.S. sheep industry, focusing on domestic supply, demand, and trade. More...

Keithly Jones
Room S5212
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5172

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Small Farms - Rural Economy

Small farms as defined by the National Commission on Small Farms constitute 90 percent of U.S. farms, contain 67 percent of farm land, and hold 77 percent of farm sector net worth. ERS monitors small farm numbers, economic wellbeing, control of resources, and contributions to the food and agricultural system and rural economy. More...

Robert Hoppe
Room N4155
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5572

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Soil Conservation - Natural Resources & Environment

Soil conservation policies and activities are instrumental in reducing soil erosion from wind and water, maintaining soil productivity, and preventing pollution of water and air from sediment and windblown dust. ERS examines the adoption, costs, and benefits of soil conservation measures and the evolution and effectiveness of soil conservation programs. More...

Carmen Sandretto
Room N4098
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5622

ERS publications by this specialist

South America - International

South America is an important source of agricultural products for world markets, especially soybeans and soy products, coffee, sugar, corn, wheat, beef, pork, fruit juices, and poultry meat. In some markets, its exports compete directly with U.S. exports. South America is also an important market for U.S. products. ERS economists provide data and analysis on agricultural supply, consumption, trade, and policies of key countries on the continent, including Argentina and Brazil. More...

Constanza Valdes
Room N5138
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5225

ERS publications by this specialist

Soybeans & Oil Crops - Crops

Processed soybeans are the largest source of protein feed and second-leading source of vegetable oil in the world. The United States is the world's leading soybean producer and a leading exporter, and soybeans are second highest in value among U.S.-produced crops. ERS economists analyze events in the domestic and international oilseed markets that influence supply, demand, trade, and prices. More...

Mark Ash
Room S5206
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5289

ERS publications by this specialist

Sugar & Sweeteners - Crops

The United States is the largest consumer of sweeteners and is one of the largest sugar importers. The United States also ranks among the top sugar producers, with significant production of both sugar beets and sugarcane. ERS analysts track U.S. and international sugar and sweetener production, consumption, and trade, and analyze events that affect domestic and international sweetener markets. More...

Stephen Haley
Room N5054
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5247

ERS publications by this specialist

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Tax Policy - Policy Topics

Significant changes in Federal income and estate and gift tax policies have occurred over the last few years. Modifications to these policies can affect not only the financial well-being of farm households but also the number and size of farms, their organizational structure, and their use of land, labor, and capital inputs. ERS research analyzes how these Federal tax policies and changes to such policies affect farm households and farm businesses. More...

Ron Durst
Room N4094
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5347

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Taxes - Farm Economy

Significant changes in Federal income and estate and gift tax policies have occurred over the last few years. Modifications to these policies can affect not only the financial well-being of farm households but also the number and size of farms, their organizational structure, and their use of land, labor, and capital inputs. ERS research analyzes how these Federal tax policies and changes to such policies affect farm households and farm businesses. More...

Ron Durst
Room N4094
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5347

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Trade Policy - Policy Topics

Exports are important for U.S. agriculture, and a growing share of global agricultural production is traded internationally, making international and individual country trade policy critical to the flow of agricultural goods. ERS economists analyze the implications of trade policies in the United States and abroad for U.S. and global agriculture. More...

John Wainio
Room N5137
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5227

ERS publications by this specialist

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Vegetables, Melons, & Pulses - Crops

The United States is one of the world's leading producers and consumers of vegetables and melons. ERS analyzes the U.S. fresh and processed vegetable industries, including potatoes, pulses, and mushrooms. More...

Gary Lucier
Room S5049
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5253

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Alberto Jerardo
Room N5164
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5266

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

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Water Quality - Natural Resources & Environment

Agricultural production releases residuals that may degrade the quality of water resources and impose costs on water users. EPA identifies agriculture as a major source of water impairments. ERS assesses agriculture's impacts on water, and how conservation and environmental policies that affect farmers' management decisions can change water quality. More...

Marc Ribaudo
Room S4194
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5488

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Wheat - Crops

The United States is a major wheat-producing country, with output typically exceeded only by China, the European Union, and sometimes India. Wheat ranks third in farm value among all U.S. field crops and about half of the crop is exported. ERS economists provide market analysis and research on domestic and global wheat markets, including supply, demand, and trade. More...

Gary Vocke
Room S5006
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5285

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Edward Allen
Room S5008
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5288

ERS publications by this specialist

WIC Program - Food & Nutrition Assistance

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children—better known as the WIC Program—serves to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. ERS conducts research on WIC program participation, program targeting and access, program outcomes, and how the program interacts with other food and nutrition assistance programs. More...

Elizabeth Frazao
Room N2153
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5455

Staff Biographical Page
ERS publications by this specialist

Victor Oliveira
Room N2181
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5434

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ERS publications by this specialist

World Trade Organization (WTO) - Policy Topics

The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture under the World Trade Organization (WTO) marked a turning point in the history of the multilateral trading system. For the first time, WTO members committed to comprehensive reductions in agricultural tariffs, export subsidies, and domestic support, as well as to continuing negotiations to further liberalize agricultural trade. ERS analyzes agriculture-related issues in the WTO and other global trade liberalization efforts. More...

John Wainio
Room N5137
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5227

ERS publications by this specialist

World Trade Organization (WTO) - Trade & International Markets

The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture under the World Trade Organization (WTO) marked a turning point in the history of the multilateral trading system. For the first time, WTO members committed to comprehensive reductions in agricultural tariffs, export subsidies, and domestic support, as well as to continuing negotiations to further liberalize agricultural trade. ERS analyzes agriculture-related issues in the WTO and other global trade liberalization efforts. More...

John Wainio
Room N5137
1800 M Street NW
Washington DC, 20036

Phone: (202) 694-5227

ERS publications by this specialist

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Updated date: March 21, 2006