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The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth Search: (click here for database search description)

Saving, Color Adjusting, and Printing Images

Downloading Images:

The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth hosts the best and most complete online database of imagery taken by astronauts while orbiting the earth. The following information will assist you in viewing, saving and opening the images that you can access on this website. For image adjustment and enhancement techniques, click here.

  1. Saving your desired image from a web/FTP location:
    1. Make sure your desired image is displayed on your monitor.
      Note: Right-click (option-click or hold the mouse button down on a Mac platform) on the textual link to the image and select "Save Target As ..."

    2. Right-click (option-click or hold the mouse button down on a Mac platform) on the image (anywhere on the image) and select "Save As..."

    3. When the menu box appears, choose the location that you wish to save your image.
      Note: Remember the location to which you are saving the image.

    4. Click the "Save" button.

  2. Opening your desired image:
    1. If you already have an image viewing/editing program open, select "File" from the top menu bar and then choose "Open."
      Note: If you do not have an image viewing/editing program open, then please proceed to step #5.

    2. When the menu box appears, please navigate to the location where you saved your desired image(s).

    3. Select your desired images(s) and click "Open."

    4. The image(s) will then be opened, and you may view/edit them as you wish.

    5. If you do not have an image viewing/editing program open, then navigate to the location on your computer where you saved the desired image(s).

    6. Double-click on each image you would like to view/edit.

    7. The image(s) should open automatically in a window pane, but you will not be able to edit them here.

    8. In order to edit any images, you must have an image editing program on your machine.

    For image adjustment and enhancement techniques, click here.
This server will be off starting Friday (8/14/2009) evening through the weekend and part of Monday.

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