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Patient Awareness - What Is It?

Patient Awareness Under General Anesthesia - What Is It?
Although awareness under general anesthesia is rare, this brochure was created by ASA and the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) to answer patients questions about this phenomenon.

The brochure explains what awareness under general anesthesia is and isn't¹t, and why it can happen. It discusses what researchers and health care providers are doing to lessen the chance of this rare event and offers guidance to patients for discussing concerns about awareness with their anesthesia professional.

Patient Awareness Under General Anesthesia - What Is It?
Spanish Version

ASA Patient Awareness Under Anesthesia Video-  Learn more about anesthesia awareness with this short video. The DVD is also available for purchase through the ASA Publications Database.

Dial-Up Version

Broadband Version


Anesthesia Awareness Registry
When patients can recall events or sensations from their surgeries, even though they were supposed to be asleep at the time, this is called “awareness during general anesthesia”. The Anesthesia Awareness Registry seeks greater understanding about the causes of this problem.



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