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Coastal & Marine Geology Program >Subsidence and Fault Activation . . . >Fact Sheet FS-091-01

Wetland Subsidence, Fault Reactivation, and Hydrocarbon Production in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region

USGS Fact Sheet FS-091-01 Printable Version

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"Wetland Subsidence, Fault Reactivation, and Hydrocarbon Production in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region" is a four-page full-color discussion of the possible link between wetland loss, subsidence, and hydrocarbon production in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region.

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Wetland Subsidence, Fault Reactivation, and Hydrocarbon Production in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region

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USGS Fact Sheet FS-091-01 Wetland Subsidence, Fault Reactivation, and Hydrocarbon Production in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region

Coastal & Marine Geology Program >Subsidence and Fault Activation . . . >Fact Sheet FS-091-01

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last modified: 19:51:34 Wed 14 Dec 2005
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