In the Spotlight

Best Rx Options for Hair Loss in Women
Dermatologists Say First Find the Cause
When a woman starts losing her hair, it is often unexpected and frightening. Not wanting to tell a soul, many women cope by hiding hair loss with a new hairstyle. Some experiment with products that guarantee hair re-growth. Dermatologists understand the appeal of these options but caution that getting to the root of hair loss is essential. (more...)

Dermatologists Dispel Common Myths About Age-Fighting Topicals
Age-fighting creams, gels, and serums are so wrapped up in promise and attractive packaging; it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. To help you save money and minimize disappointment, dermatologists dispel some common myths. (more...)

Buying Botox® Online Poses Serious Health Risks
In these tough economic times, it can be tempting to find bargains wherever you can and do it yourself whenever possible. Dermatologists caution that this approach poses serious health risks when it comes to cosmetic procedures. Botulinum rejuvenation is one such procedure. (more...)

All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology

Supported by an educational donation provided by The Allergan Foundation.


Beginning in our 20s, the effects of aging begin to be visible in the skin. (more...)






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Page last updated 8/12/09

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