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The Army sponsors several award programs that recognize and promote aspects of environmental stewardship and sustainability. Information about these programs are provided below. The U.S. Army Environmental Command implements the Secretary of the Army Environmental Awards program and supports Army competition in the Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards program.

UPDATED 7 August 2009Secretary of the Army Environmental Awards

Each year, the Army recognizes and rewards excellence for the development, management and transferability of environmental programs that increase environmental quality, enhance the mission and help make the Army sustainable. The Secretary of the Army Award categories are modeled after the Secretary of Defense program. Army winners go on to compete in the Secretary of Defense program.

FY08 award winners

The U.S. Army Environmental Command executes this program in support of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, who manages the program on behalf of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health.

The Call for Nominations is expected in August, with nominations due in October. Once the official memorandum and guidance is released it will be posted on this web site. If you have questions please e-mail the USAEC Awards Team or call (410) 436-1234.

Last year, Army installations earned three Department of Defense Environmental Awards, recognizing progress in environmental quality, natural resources conservation and cultural resources management. You can view previous award winning nominations here.

Schedule of Awards
Even Fiscal Years (e.g., FY08) Odd Fiscal Years (e.g., FY07)
Installation Installation
Natural Resources Conservation, Large Natural Resources Conservation, Small
Cultural Resources Management Cultural Resources Management
Environmental Quality, Industrial Environmental Quality, Non-Industrial
Environmental Quality Overseas Pollution Prevention, Industrial
Pollution Prevention, Non-Industrial Environmental Restoration
Environmental Restoration  
Individual/Team Individual/Team
Cultural Resources Management Natural Resources Conservation
Pollution Prevention Environmental Quality
  Environmental Restoration
  Environmental Excellence in Weapon System Acquisition

FY07 Awards Program
Two Army winners went on to win the FY2007 Secretary of Defense competition and were recognized in a ceremony on June 4, 2008. You can read all of the DoD 2007 winning nominations here. The Natural Resources Conservation Team from Fort Indiantown Gap Training Center, Pennsylvania Army National Guard won the Natural Resources Conservation team award and Redstone Arsenal, Alabama won the installation award for Cultural Resources Management. Congratulations to all the winners!

Other Awards Programs

This information is provided as a courtesy to installations, teams, and individuals to assist them with seeking out and applying for Environmental Awards. USAEC does not administer these programs.

  • White House Closing the Circle Awards
    Now in its 15th year, the Closing the Circle Awards program recognizes exemplary programs and activities that promote continuous improvement and set the example for other Federal employees and their facilities to follow in promoting environmental stewardship. The awards focus on waste/pollution prevention, recycling, green purchasing, environmental management systems, high performance/sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, and alternative fuel and fuel conservation in transportation. Nominations for the 2009 program must be submitted on line from 2-30 January. Winners of the 2008 Closing the Circle Awards Program were announced April 29, 2008. One Army organization was recognized in 2008. Fort Bragg, NC, Sustainable Design Team won for the Sustainable Design/Green Buildings — Military category.
  • Army Energy & Water Management Awards
    The Army participates in two energy awards programs: the Secretary of the Army Energy and Water Management Awards, and the Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy and Water Management Awards. Both programs recognize and reward Army employees for exceptional performance in implementing Executive Order 13123, "Greening the Government through Efficient Energy Management."
  • National Award for Smart Growth Achievement
    Through the National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, EPA seeks to recognize and support public entities (from cities to state governments and the many types of public entities in between) that promote and achieve smart growth, while at the same time bringing about direct and indirect environmental benefits. Smart growth development practices support national environmental goals by preserving open spaces and parkland and protecting critical habitat; improving transportation choices, including walking, bicycling, and transit, which reduces emissions from automobiles; promoting brownfield redevelopment; and reducing impervious surfaces, which improves water quality.
  • Clean Air Excellence Awards
    The Clean Air Excellence Awards Program is sponsored by the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation. The program recognizes individuals and organizations that have undertaken the risks of innovation, served as pioneers in their fields and have helped to improve air quality. The program is open to both public and private entities in the United States.
  • FedCenter.gov
    The Awards page lists sources of environmental awards offered by Federal and State government and non-profit organizations. The list is arranged by media type and/or by agency or region.
Please direct any questions to
the USAEC Awards Team.

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