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Passport Applications on Microfilm

Table of Contents

Registers and Indexes for Passport Applications, 1810 - 1906.
NARA microfilm publication M1371. 13 rolls.

Rolls 1-9 reproduce registers and indexes for passport applications, December 21, 1810-October 7, 1871, February 22, 1830-November 15, 1831, and November 14, 1834-February 1906. The usual register or index entry shows the date and number (where applicable) of the application, the name of the applicant, and (for 1834-1849) the applicant's age and physical characteristics. Some of the register or index volumes have overlapping dates, and some entries appear in more than one volume. A special register covers Civil War passports, 1861-1865. In some volumes the entries are arranged chronologically; in others, alphabetically by the first three letters of the applicant's surname and thereunder chronologically.

Rolls 10 and 11 reproduce indexes to emergency passport applications, 1874-1906. Emergency passports were issued to US citizens by US consular and diplomatic officers abroad. The entries in each index volume show the date and number of each application as well as the location of the US diplomatic or consular post that received it; the entries are arranged alphabetically by surname of applicant.

Roll 12 reproduces indexes to special passport applications, 1829-1894. Special passports were issued to US diplomatic and consular officers, military attaches, secretaries of legations, and other government officers and their families. Each index entry shows the name of an applicant, the date of application, and the volume and page numbers where the application can be found. The entries are arranged alphabetically by surname of applicant.

Roll 13 reproduces, on the first part of the roll, an index to the passport applications received by the New York Passport Office, August 24, 1861-February 24, 1862. Each index entry shows the date, name of applicant, and application or passport number. The entries are arranged alphabetically by first letter of applicant's surname and thereunder chronologically.

The remainder of roll 13 reproduces a volume containing registers of miscellaneous special passports, 1835-1869. These are (1) a register of special passports issued at New York, 1862-1869, each entry showing the name and address of the recipient, the passport number, the fee paid, and the date of payment; (2) a register of "Special Passports Granted By John Forsyth, Secretary of State," and by successor Secretaries of State, 1836-1864, showing the name and destination of the passport bearer and the number and date of the passport; (3) a register of "Special Courier Passports," 1865-1869; (4) "Passport Account of J.B. Nones," which is a record of fees received for passports, 1867; and (5) "Passport Account of George F. Baker," 1864-1869. Each section of the volume is arranged chronologically.

Roll Contents
1 Register Dec 21, 1810 - Oct 7, 1817
Index, Feb 22, 1830 - Nov 15, 1831
Register, Nov 14, 1834 - May 8, 1843
2 Index, May 11, 1843 - Sept 30, 1846
Register, Oct 7, 1846 - Feb 14, 1849
Register, Oct 1, 1846 - Feb 16, 1856
3 Index, Feb 16, 1856 - Dec 30, 1865
Register of Passports Issued by Secretary of State
William H. Seward, Mar 1861-Dec 1865
Index, Jan 2, 1866 - Dec 31, 1871
4 Index, Jan 1872 - Dec 1880
Index, Feb 22 - June 29, 172
Index, April 1875 - Dec 1880
5 Index to Passport Applications:
Vol 1, Jan 1881 - June 1886
Vol 2, July 1886 - Sept 1889
6 Vol 3, Oct 1889 - Dec 1891
Vol 4, Jan 1892 - Dec 1894
7 Vol 5, Jan 1895 - June 1896
Vol 6, July 1896 - June 1898
Vol 7, July 1898 - Mar 1900
8 Vol 8, Apr 1900 - June 1901
Vol 9, July 1901 - June 1903
9 Vol 10, July 1903 - June 1905
Vol 11, July 1905 - Feb 1906
10 Index to Emergency Passport Applications
(Passports Issued Abroad):

Vol 1, June 1874 - 1894
Vol 2, 1894 - 1898
11 Vol 3, 1899 - June 1904
Vol 4, July 1904 - Dec 1906
12 Index to Special Passport Applications:
Vol 1, 1829 - 1887
Vol 2, Jan 1872 - April 1878
Vol 3, Apr 8, 1878 - Sept 18, 1887
Vol 4, 1887 - 1894
13 Index to Passport Applications Issued
by the New York Passport Office:

August 24, 1861 - Feb 24, 1862
Registers of Miscellaneous Special Passports

Index to Passport Applications, 1850-52, 1860-80, 1881, 1906-1923.
NARA microfilm publication M1848. 61 rolls.

Roll Contents Surnames
1 Index to Passport Applications, 1850-1852 Aab, George - Baillif, John V.
2 Baillif, John V. - Bilz, Valentin
3 Bilz, Valentin - Brouner, John J.
4 Brow, William S. - Campuzzano, Felix A.
5 Camron, William Walker - Costlow, John
6 Cotheal, Alexander J. - Donnenworth, George
7 Donnenworth, George - Farlow, William G.
8 Farlow, William G. - Frazza, Giovanni
9 Frazza, Giovanni - Gookins, James F.
10 Gookins, James F. - Harris, David
11 Harris, David - Hodges, Harry F.
12 Hodges, Harry F. - Jenke, William P.
13 Jenne, Fredrich - Klix, Erasmus Joseph
14 Klobassa, Victor C. - Laryea, Issac
15 Laryea, Issac - Lynde, C. Fay
16 Lynde, C. Fay - McNally, James
17 McNally, James - Mollenhauer, Mrs. Ernestine C.L.M.
18 Mollenhauer, Mrs. Ernestine C.L.M. - Oechtering, August B.
19 Oechtering, August B. - Petri, Mrs. Leontine
20 Petri, Mrs. Leontine - Reipschlager, August
21 Reipschlager, August - Rysansky, Israel
22 Saal, Mrs. Anna Katherine - Scorsur, Juan
23 Scorsur, Juan - Spelter, William
24 Spence, Adam Knight - Taylor, Zalmon
25 Teachout, George - Volkmann, Henry
26 Volkmann, Henry - Whitcomb, Mary Abbie
27 White, Mrs. (accompanying Franklin Cheney) - Wright, Samuel V.
28 Wright, Samuel V. - Zykan, Joseph
28 cont. Index to Passport Applications 1860-1880 Aagaard, Julius - Putnam, George F.
29 Putnam, George F. - Zucker, Christian
29 (cont.) Index to Passport Applications 1881 Abbey, Henry G. - Zuncker, Matthias Ludwig
30 Index to Passport Applications 1906-1923 AAA - Baldwin
31 Ball - Bos
32 Bot - Carr
33 Carr - Cros
34 Cros - Dr
35 Dr - Fly
36 Foa - Gi
37 Gim - Har
38 Har - Hoff
39 Hog - Jones
40 Jones - Kuk
41 Kul - Low
42 Low - McIn
43 McK - Moore
44 Mora - Or
45 Ora - Pratt
46 Pratt - Rose
47 Rose - Ser
48 Set - Smitz (except Smith)
49 Smith - Tah
50 Tai - Von
51 Voo - Wil
52 Wim - Zz
53 Index to Passport Extensions 1917-1920 Aa - Dev
54 Dev - Johnston
55 Johnston - Pes
56 Pet - Weh
57 Wei - Zim
57 cont. Index to Passports Issued Abroad 1906-1918 Aba - Lan
58 Lan - Wap
59 War - Zy
59 cont. Index to Consular Registrations 1907-1921 Aa - Gil
60 Gim - Pes
61 Pen - Zz
61 cont. Index to Registration Certificates, Widows,
Divorced Women, and Minors 1907-1917
An - Z

Emergency Passport Applications, (Passports Issued Abroad), 1877-1907.
NARA microfilm publication M1834. 56 rolls.

These applications for or renewals of passports were made at US Foreign Service posts abroad. They are arranged chronologically and thereunder by the name of the post. The amount and quality of documentation varies from a signed copy of the oath of allegiance, to a list of persons to whom passports were issued, to a copy of the petition for a passport.

Roll Contents
1 Volume 1: Austria to Switzerland, 1877-78
Volume 2: Africa to Honduras, 1886-1889
2 Volume 3: Italy to West Indies, 1886-90
3 Volume 4: Samoa to Venezuela, 1886-94
4 Volume 5: Africa to Azores (Fayal), 1889-94
5 Volume 6: Africa to Egypt, 1889-91
6 Volume 7: Greece to Venezuela, 1889-91
Volume 8: Africa to China, 1891-92
7 Volume 9: Chili to Haiti, 1891-92
Volume 10: Italy to Venezuela, 1891-92
8 Volume 11: Belgium to Egypt, 1892-94
Volume 12: France to Guatemala, 1889-94
9 Volume 13: Persia to Russia, 1893-94
Volume 14: Salvador to West Indies, 1894-99
10 Volume 15: Argentina to Bolivia, 1895-96
Volume 16: Chile to Vancouver, BC and Copenhagen, Denmark, 1894-96
11 Volume 17: Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, Spain and Sweden, 1895-96
Volume 18: France to Guatemala, 1894-96
12 Volume 19: Haiti to Russia, 1891-96
Volume 20: Africa to Sierra Leone, 1897-1899
13 Volume 21: Argentina to Azores, 1897-99
14 Volume 22: Austria to Australia, 1897-99
Volume 23: Belgium to China, 1897-99
15 Volume 24: Denmark to India, 1897-99
Volume 25: Jamaica to Russia, 1896-99
16 Volume 26: Africa to Ecuador, 1900-01
17 Volume 27: Belgium to Nicaragua, 1899-1901
Volume 28: Egypt to Portugal, 1900-01
18 Volume 29: Russia to Venezuela, 1900-01
Volume 30: Apia, Soma to Bombay, India, 1904-07
19 Volume 31: Barbados, West Indies to Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1904-07
Volume 32: South Africa, 1902-07
20 Volume 33: Caracas, Venezuela to Guatemala, 1902-07
Includes Columbia, Ceylon, 1872, 1879, 1886, 1894, 1896,
1899, 1903, 1905, 1907
Volume 34: Hawaii to Hobart, Tasmania, 1902-07
21 Volume 35: Kingston, Jamaica to Montreal, Canada, 1902-07
22 Volume 36: Nassau to San Jose, Costa Rica, 1902-07
Volume 37: Pretoria, South Africa, 1900-07
23 Volume 38: St Michael's, Azores, 1902-1905
Volume 39: St Michael's, Azores, 1905-07
24 Volume 40: Seoul, Korea to Stockholm, Sweden, 1903-05
Volume 41: Tehran, Persia to Zanzibar, 1902-07
25 Volume 42: Austria, 1900-01
Volume 43: Austria, 1902-04
26 Volume 44: Austria, 1905-07
Volume 45: China, 1902-03
27 Volume 46: China, 1904-05
Volume 47: Egypt, 1902-07
28 Volume 48: France, 1887-88
Volume 49: France, 1888-89
29 Volume 50: France, 1889
Volume 51: France 1889
30 Volume 52: France, 1897-99
Volume 53: France, 1900-01
31 Volume 54: France, 1902-03
Volume 55: France, 1904-05
32 Volume 56: Germany, 1887-88
Volume 57: Germany, 1888-89
33 Volume 58: Germany, 1889
Volume 59: Germany, 1890
34 Volume 60: Germany, 1891
Volume 61: Germany, 1891-92
Volume 62: Germany, 1892
35 Volume 63: Germany, 1893-94
Volume 64: Germany, 1894
36 Volume 65: Germany, 1895-96
Volume 66: Germany, 1896
37 Volume 67: Germany, 1897
Volume 68: Germany, 1898
38 Volume 69: Germany, 1899
Volume 70: Germany, 1900
39 Volume 71: Germany, 1900-01
Volume 72: Germany, 1901
40 Volume 73: Germany, 1902
Volume 74: Germany, 1902
41 Volume 75: Germany, 1903
Volume 76: Germany, 1903-04
42 Volume 77: Germany, 1904
Volume 78: Germany, 1905
43 Volume 79: Germany, 1905
Volume 80: England, 1887-88
Volume 81: England, 1888-89
44 Volume 82: England, 1890-91
Volume 83: England, 1893-94
Volume 84: England to Egypt, 1895-96
45 Volume 85: England, 1897-99
Volume 86: England, 1890
46 Volume 87: England, 1900-01
Volume 88: England, 1902-03
47 Volume 89: England, 1903-05
Volume 90: Italy, 1897-99
Volume 91: Italy, 1900
48 Volume 92: Italy, 1901
Volume 93: Italy, 1902
Volume 94: Italy, 1902-03
49 Volume 95: Italy, 1903
Volume 96: Italy, 1903
50 Volume 97: Italy, 1904
Volume 98: Italy, 1905
51 Volume 99: Italy, 1905
Volume 100: Italy, 1905
52 Volume 101: Italy, 1905
Volume 102 - missing
Volume 103: Philippine Islands, 1903-07
53 Volume 104: Russia, 1902-05
Volume 105: Switzerland, 1887-88
54 Volume 106: Switzerland, 1897-9
Volume 107: Switzerland, 1900-01
55 Volume 108: Switzerland, 1902-03
Volume 109: Switzerland, 1904
56 Volume 110: Turkey, 1902-07

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