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Interactive Events

General Chat and Forum Information

This area was for discussion between the Women of NASA mentors and project participants. Discussion participants include students, teachers and others interested in gender equity and/or specific topics relating to particular fields of study and work in which the Women of NASA engage. Many of our Women of NASA are also involved in other Quest projects. Check the NASA Quest calendar for scheduled events.

All Questchat and QuestForum dialogue is edited and archived shortly after the chat. The archived chat dialogues are a rich source of information on the education, personal and professional background, and scientific and technical issues in which the featured women engage. Archived events are linked from the schedule and from our permanent Archives page. You are highly encouraged to research the featured women and their field of work by reading their profiles and archived chats in order to form appropriate questions that cannot be answered by another source.

Chats and Forums are monitored. Discussions about math, science, space, technology and gender equity are appropriate. During Women of the World chats topics relevant to the women's work are also appropriate.


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