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Other Resources for Students and Teachers

One of the goals of the"Women of NASA" project is to provide a resource for teachers and others interested in learning more about gender-bias in math, science and technology and methods of facilitating that reduce inequity in the classroom. We also offer information on grant opportunities that are available for young women and conferences for educators. This resource component has been developed to do the following:

  • Provide students, teachers, and parents information about organizations working to eleminate gender inequities in education.
  • Provide teachers with information that will help them learn how they can eleminate teaching practices that may keep girls from excelling in math and science.
  • Make information about gender equity issues more accessible for students, teachers, and others doing research in this area.
  • Give users the opportunity to submit resources that may be of interest to other students and teachers.

To meet these goals we have included:

This resources includes curriculum units created and submitted by project participants. They give you concrete examples of how you can use the Women of NASA resource in your classroom.

Online Resources
This resource contains links to other sites that contain information related to women and science.

Annotated Bibliography
This bibliography contains information and a brief description about documents related to equity in teaching math and science and related issues.

This bibliography contains information about documents related to equity in teaching math and science and related issues.

Resources for Teachers
Included in this resource is a listing of organizations that provide training and educational materials for teachers who are interested in providing an environment that encourages both boys and girls to pursue math and science.

Resources for Students
This resource contains information about organizations working to increase the number of girls pursuing math and science based fields.

Archived Events

All WON Archies


Credits and Contacts


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