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1998 DSTDP Publications

Behavioral Intervention and Research Branch

Anderson JE, Greenberg J, MacGowan R. Enhanced street outreach and condom use by high-risk populations in five cities. In Greenberg J.B., and Neuman, M. (eds.) (1998) What We Have Learned from the AIDS Evaluation of Street Outreach Projects: A summary document. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1998; 83-109.

Belcher L, Kalichman S, Topping M, Smith S, Emshoff J, Norris F, Nurss J. A randomized trial of a brief HIV risk reduction counseling intervention for women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1998; 66: 856-861.

Eldridge GD, St. Lawrence JS. Cultural and ethnic issues affecting service delivery. In RT Ammerman and JV Campo (Eds.), Handbook of Pediatric Psychology and Psychiatry, New York: Allyn & Bacon, 1998; 1:41-71.

Greenberg J, Lifshay J, Van Devanter N, Gonzales V, Celentano D. Preventing HIV Infection: The effects of community linkages, time, and money on recruiting and retaining women in intervention groups. Journal of Women's Health 1998; 7:587-596.

Greenberg JB, Neumann M (Eds.). What we have learned from the aids evaluation of street outreach projects: a summary document. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1998.

Hennessy M. Evaluation. Chapter 9 in D. Stroup and S. Teutsch (Eds.). Statistics in Public Health New York: Oxford University Press 1998; 193-219.

Kamb ML, Fishbein M, Douglas JM, Rhodes F, Rogers J, Bolan G, Zenilman J, Hoxworth T, Malotte K, Latesta M, Kent C, Lentz A, Graziano S, Byers RH, Peterman TA, for the Project RESPECT Study Group. Efficacy of risk-reduction counseling to prevent human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted diseases: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 1998; 280(13):1161-1167.

Long A, Greenberg J, Bonilla G, Weathers R. A storytelling model using pictures for HIV prevention with injection drug users. In Greenberg J.B., and Neuman, M. (eds.). What We Have Learned from the AIDS Evaluation of Street Outreach Projects: A summary document. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1998; 29-45.

Macke BA, Keenan HA, Kassler WJ. Partner notification strategies for sexually transmitted diseases. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25 (6):329-30.

Moneyham L, Hennessy M., Sowell R, Demi A, Seals B, Mizumo Y. The effectiveness of coping strategies used by HIV-seropositive women. Research in Nursing and Health 1998; 21:351-362

St. Lawrence JS. Die wall zwischen unterschiedichen paradigmen: Aktuelle behaviorale strategien zur pravention von HIV-infektionen. (Translated: Choosing among paradigms: Emerging behavioral strategies for the prevention of HIV disease.) In Amann, G. & Wipplinger, R. (Eds.). Gesundheitsforderung - ein multidimensionales Tatigkeitsfeld. Tubingen: DGVT-Verlag 1998; 485-514

St. Lawrence JS, Eldridge GD, Reitman D, Little CE, Shelby MC, Brasfield TL. Factors influencing condom use among African-American women: implications for risk reduction interventions. American Journal of Community Psychology 1998; 26(4):7-28.

St. Lawrence JS, Eldridge GD, Brasfield TL. Behavioral and psychosocial consequences of HIV antibody testing and counseling with African-American women. Women's Health, Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy 1998; 4(2):135-154.

Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch

Beutner KR, Reitano MV, Richwald GA, Wiley DJ, AMA Expert Panel on External Genital Warts Stone KM. External genital warts: report of the american medical association consensus conference. Clin Infect Dis 1998;27:796-806.

Brunnell B. Epidemic of congenital syphilis Baltimore, 1996-1997. MMWR 1998; 47:904-907.

Bunnell B, Koumans E, Beilenson P, Rose D, Dunning D, Brathwaite W, West K, Meyers F, Dwyer DM, Krick J, Akers D, Miazad R, Bhatia A. Increase in congenital syphilis -- Baltimore, 1996-1997. MMWR 1998;47:904-907.

Dicker LW, Mosure DJ, Levine WC. Chlamydia positivity versus prevalence - what's the difference? Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(5):251-253.

Finelli L, St. Louis ME, Gunn RA, Crissman CE, and The Field Epidemiology Network for STDs (FENS). Epidemiologic support to state and local sexually transmitted disease control programs. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(3):132-136.

Finelli L, Crayne EM, Spitalny KC. Treatment of infants with reactive syphilis serology, New Jersey: 1992 to 1996. Pediatrics 1998; 102(2):1-6.

Finelli F, Levine W. Primary and secondary syphilis -- United States, 1997. MMWR 1998; 47:493-497.

Fox KK, Whittington WL, Levine WC, Moran JS, Zaidi AA, Nakashima AK. Gonorrhea in the United States, 1981-1996: demographic and geographic trends. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(6):386-393.

Green TA, Black CM, Johnson RE. Evaluation of bias in diagnostic-test sensitivity and specificity estimates computed by discrepant analysis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1998; 36(2):375-381.

Gunn RA, Harper SL. Emphasizing infectious syphilis partner notification - letter to the editor. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(4):218-219.

Gunn RA, Podschun GD, Fitzgerald S, Hovell MF, Farshy CE, Black CM, Greenspan JR. Screening high-risk adolescent males for Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Obtaining urine specimens in the field. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(1):49-52.

Gunn RA, Rolfs RT, Greenspan JR, Seidman RL, Wasserheit JN. The changing paradigm of sexually transmitted disease control in the era of managed health care: developing partnerships to implement a community-wide population-oriented approach. JAMA 1998; 279(9):680-684.

Hillis SD, Coles FB, Litchfield B, Black CM, Mojica B, Schmitt K, St. Louis ME. Doxycycline and azithromycin for prevention of Chlamydial persistence or recurrence one month after treatment in women: a use-effectiveness study in public health settings. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(1):5-11.

Joesoef MR, Valleroy LA, Kuntzjoro TM, Kamboji A, Linnan M, Barakbah Y, Idajadi A, St. Louis ME. Risk profile of female sex workers who participate in a routine penicillin prophylaxis program in Surabaya, Indonesia. Int J STD & AIDS 1998; 9:a1295:1-5.

Kilmarx PH, Hamers FF, Peterman TA. Living with HIV: experiences and perspectives of HIV-infected sexually transmitted disease clinic patients after posttest counseling. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(1):28-37.

Kilmarx PH, Knapp JS, Xia M, St. Louis ME, Neal SW, Sayers D, Whittington WL. Intercity spread of gonococci with decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolones: a unique focus in the United States. J Infect Dis 1998; 177:677-682.

Kilmarx PH, Limpakarnjanarat K, Mastro TD, Saisorn S, Kaewkungwal J, Korattana S, Uthaivoravit W, Young NL, Weniger BG, St. Louis ME. HIV-1 Seroconversion in a prospective study of female sex workers in northern Thailand: continued high incidence among brothel-based women. AIDS 1998; 12:1889-1898.

Kilmarx PH, Black CM, Limpakarnjanarak K, Shaffer N, Yanpaisarn S, Chaisilwattana P, Siriwasin W, Young NL, Mastro TD, St. Louis ME. Rapid assessment for the prevalence of sexually transmitted disease in a sentinel population in Thailand: chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in pregnant women in 1996. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 74:189-193.

Kilmarx PH, Limpakarnjanarak K, Supawitkul S, Korattana S, Young NL, Parekh BS, Respess RA, Mastro TD, St. Louis ME. Mucosal disruption due to use of a widely-distributed commercial vaginal product: potential to facilitate HIV transmission. AIDS 1998; 12:767-773.

Koumans EH, Johnson RE, Knapp JS, St. Louis ME. Laboratory testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae by recently introduced noncultlure tests: a performance review with clinical and public health considerations. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1998; 27:1171-1180.

Levine WC, Pope V, Bhoomkar A, Tambe P, Lewis JS, Zaidi AA, Farshy CE, Mitchell S, Talkington DF. Increase in indocervical CD4 lymphocytes among women with nonulcerative sexually transmitted diseases. J Infect Dis 1998; 177:167-174.

Levine WC, Revollo R, Higueras G, Vaga J, Tinajeros F, Garnica M, Aliaga A, Estenssoro M, Lewis JS, et al. Decline in sexually transmitted disease prevalence among female Bolivian sex workers: impact on an HIV prevention project. AIDS 1998;12:1899-1906.

Mertz KJ, McQuillan GM, Levine WC, Candal DH, Bullard JC, Johnson RE, St. Louis ME, Black CM. A pilot study of the prevalence of chlamydial infection in a national household survey. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(5):225-228.

Mertz KJ, Weiss JB, Webb RM, Levine WC, Lewis JS, Orlel KA, Tollen PA, Overbaugh J, Morse SA, Currier MC, Fishbein M. St. Louis ME. An investigation of genital ulcers in Jackson, Mississippi, with use of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay: high prevalence of chancroid and human immunodeficiency virus. J Infect Dis 1998; 178:1060-1066.

Mosure DJ, Berman S, Webster Dicker L, Levine W, and the Region VIII and Region X Infertility Prevention Projects. A re-evaluation of selective screening criteria for women attending family planning clinics in the United States. In: Chlamydial Infections. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Human Chlamydial Infection 1998; p. 333-336.

Puisis M, Levine WC, Mertz KJ. Chapter 11. Overview of sexually transmitted diseases. In: Clinical Practice in Correctional Medicine. Eds. Puisis M, Anno BJ, Cohen RL, Heyman, B, King LN, May JP, Raba J, Shansky R, Start A. Mosby, Inc. 1998.

St. Louis ME, Wasserheit JN. Elimination of syphilis in the United States. Science Magazine 1998; 281:353-354.

St. Louis ME, Wasserheit JN, Levine WC, DeCock KM, West GR, Holtgrave DR, Valdiserri RO. HIV prevention through early detection and treatment of other sexually transmitted diseases, United States. MMWR 1998; 47(No. RR-12):1-24.

Stone KM. Commentary: d'oro, et al. Barrier methods of contraception, spermicides, and sexually transmitted diseases: a review. Genitourin Med 1994; 70:410-417. JAMA Women's Health Web Site 1998.

Stone KM. Commentary: Feldblum, et al. The effectiveness of barrier methods of contraception in preventing the spread of HIV. AIDS 1995; 9(suppl A):S83-S93. JAMA Women's Health Web Site 1998.

Toomey KE, Peterman TA, Dicker LW, Zaidi AA, Wroten JE, Carolina J. Human immunodeficiency virus partner notification: cost and effectiveness data from an attempted randomized controlled trial. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(6):310-316.

Weinberg M, Fox KK. Fluoroquinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae - San Diego, California, 1997. MMWR 1998; 47:405-408.

Willliamson DM, Mertz KJ, Toomey KE. Chlamydial infections among family planning clinic patients in Georgia: who should be screened? J Med Assoc of Georgia 1998; 87:152-154.

Workowski KA. Treating sexually transmitted diseases: what's new in the 1998 guidelines? Today's Internist 1998; July/August:42-46.

Workowski KA, St. Louis ME. 1998 Guidelines for the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Abstracts of Clinical Care Guidelines 1998; 10:7-9.

Workowski KA, St. Louis ME. 1998 guidelines for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. MMWR 1998; 47 (No. RR-1):[inclusive page numbers].

Health Services Research and Evaluation Branch

Jones DL, Irwin KL, Inciardi J, et al. The high-risk sexual practices of crack-smoking sex workers recruited from the streets of three American cities. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(4):187-193.

Sloan F, Viscusi WK, Chesson H, Conover C, Whetton-Goldstein K. Alternative approaches to valuing intangible health losses: the evidence for multiple sclerosis. Journal of Health Economics 1998; 17:475-497.

Tao G, Remafedi G. Economic evaluation of an HIV prevention intervention for gay and bisexual adolescents. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 1998; 17:83-90.

International Activities Branch

Joesoef MR, Valleroy LA, Kuntjoro TM, Kamboji A, Linnan M, Barakbah Y, Idajadi A, St. Louis ME. Risk Profile of female sex workers who participate in a routine penicillin prophylaxis programme in Surabaya, Indonesia. Int J STD & AIDS 1998; 9:1295-1299.

Lepine LA, Hillis SD, Marchbanks PA, Joesoef MR, Peterson HB, Westrom L. Severity of pelvic inflammatory disease as a predictor of the probability of live birth. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998; 178:977-981.

Office of the Director

Aral SO, Hughes J, Stoner B, Whittington W, Handsfield HH, Anderson R, Holmes KK. The spread of chlamydial infection: sexual mixing patterns, infection rates, linked morbidities, and bridge populations in Seattle, Washington. Stephens RS, Byrne GI, Christiansen G, Clarke IN, Grayston JT, Rank RG, Ridgway GL, Saikku P, Schachter J, Stamm WE (Eds) In Chlamydial Infections Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Human Chlamydial Infection 1998; 19-22.

Aral SO, Mann JM. Editoral: commercial sex work and STD: the need for policy interventions to change societal patterns. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(9):455-456.

Aral SO, Peterman TA. Do we know the effectiveness of behavioral interventions? LANCET 1998; 351(suppl III):33-36.

Aral SO, Wasserheit JN. Social and behavioral correlates of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(7):378-385.

Ellen JM, Aral SO, Madger LS. Do differences in sexual behaviors account for the racial/ethnic differences in adolescents' self-reported history of a sexually transmitted disease? Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(3):125-129.

Foxman B, Aral SO, Holmes KK. Heterosexual repertoire is associated with same-sex experience. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(5):1-5.

Foxman B, Aral SO, Holmes KK. Interrelationships among douching practices, risky sexual practices, and history of self-reported sexually transmitted diseases in an urban population. Sex Transm Dis 1998; 25(2):90-99.

Wasserheit JN, MacKay HT. Reproductive impact of sexually transmitted infections. In: Ottensen B, Tabor A., eds. New Insights in Gynecology and Obstetrics Research and Practice London, Pathenon Publishing 1998; 46-47.

Statistics and Data Management Branch

Annual Report: Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 1997.

Fox K, Whittington B, Levine W, Moran J, Zaidi A, Nakashima A. Gonorrhea in the United States, 1981-1996. Sex Transm Dis 1998; pp 386-393.

Hadgu A, Qu Y. A biomedical application of latent class models with random effects. Appl Statist 1998; 47(Part 4):603-616.

Hadgu A, Qu Y. An application of latent class models with random effects. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 1998; 47(4)(Series C):603-616.

Hadgu A. Bias in the evaluation of DNA-amplification tests for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis. (Author's reply to Chernesky's Letter to the Editor et al). Statistics in Medicine 1998.

Hadgu A. Issues in Chlamydia trachomatis testing. American Statistical Association Proceedings 1998.

Hadgu A. Bias in the evaluation of DNA-amplification tests for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis. (Author's reply to schachter's letter to the editor). Statistics in Medicine 1998; 17:1527-1530.

Skjeldestad, Hadgu A, Erikson N. The epidemiology of repeat ectopic pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998; 91:129-35.

Qu Y, Hadgu A. A model for evaluating sensitivity and specificity for correlated diagnostic tests in efficacy studies with an imperfect reference test. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1998; 93(443):920-928.

Qu Y, Hadgu A. Modeling correlations between diagnostic tests in efficacy studies with an imperfect reference test. In Modeling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data: Methods, Applications, and Future Directions, Gregoire T. G. Et al (ed.). Lecture Notes in Statistics, 122. New York: Springer 1998.

Page last modified: May 19, 2009
Page last reviewed: May 19, 2009 Historical Document

Content Source: Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention