Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

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Did you know?

On October 13, 1995, President Clinton signed an Order designating original classification authority to various Government officials. More information about original classification can be found in Executive Order 12958, as amended.

ISOO for the Public

An open society in which an American public is informed by a free flow of information and holds our government accountable is a defining factor of our democracy. Similarly, our ability to share and leverage information is the source of power and might in the 21st century. This must be balanced by the imperative to hold certain information in confidence in order to protect from harm our citizens, our democratic institutions, and our participation in the community of nations.

One of ISOO's Goals is to Provide for an informed American public by ensuring that the minimum information necessary to the interest of national security is classified and that information is declassified as soon as it no longer requires protection.

Security Classification Program Under Executive Order 12958, as Amended, and Executive Order 12829, as Amended

Under Executive Order 12958, as amended, "Classified National Security Information" (PDF Format) and Executive Order 12829, as amended, "National Industrial Security Program," ( PDF Format) ISOO oversees the security classification programs in both Government and industry and reports annually to the President on their status. We monitor approximately 65 executive branch departments, independent agencies and offices, and their major components.

Annual Report to the President

Each year we gather relevant statistical data regarding each agency's security classification program. We analyze this data and report, along with other relevant information, in our Annual Report to the President.

Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP)

As the highest appellate body for declassification decisions, the ISCAP is an essential element in the President's classification program. As such, ISCAP helps ensure that the provisions of Executive Order 12958, as amended, and its implementing directive are applied fairly and accurately to classified information. The ISCAP provides one of the necessary checks and balances to the classification program by:.

  • Providing a venue to present appeals for declassification of classified information through the Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) process. Researchers, historians, or any member of the public, may use the MDR provisions to seek declassification of information classified by the United States Government.

The ISCAP also works with Federal employees, government contractors, and agency heads to ensure that classification standards are applied justly and that the minimum amount of information is classified for only as long as necessary.

For additional information, visit the ISCAP main page.

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