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Conservation Update: Your connection to energy projects in the states.

Conservation Update via RSS

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RSS, which stands for Real Simple Syndication, is a way for you to track updates to a particular Web page or for Webmasters to download pages automatically onto their Web sites.

About RSS

You can read online state news from an RSS reader instead of skimming e-mail newsletters or browsing Web pages with an Internet browser. Once you tell your RSS reader to keep track of a particular page (URL), it will skim that page for new content every time it is updated. It then brings the new content into the RSS reader; it will not bring in content that you have already marked as read. You can then open your RSS reader at any time and check for new items.

The first step is to subscribe to an RSS reader, which is software that you have to download onto your desktop computer. You can find a list of free and commercial RSS readers and news aggregators published by Google.

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Once you have an RSS reader, you can subscribe to receive RSS feeds by clicking on the orange RSS button below. If your reader is configured to open feeds automatically, the new entries should pop when you open the reader. If all you see is code in your browser, you may need to add the feed manually by copying the following URL into the reader's subscription area, e.g.:

This subscription will bring you articles from DOE every other month when the State Energy program publishes Conservation Update.

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