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Health Care Reform

Reforming Health Care is a Necessary Step in Rebuilding Our Economy

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Featured Documents:

Health Care Checkup: A line-by-line rebuttal to false email (Democratic Leadership, 8/4/09)

America’s Affordable Health Choices Act:

Health Care Reform 
House Introduces Health Care Reform 
White House Health Care Meeting 
Information from House Leadership and Committees

- Read the bill text (pdf)
- Read the bill text (html)
- Section-by-Section Analysis
- Changes from Discussion Draft

- What’s in the Health Care Reform Bill for You?
- Paying For Health Care Reform
- Controlling Health Care Costs
- A Dose of Reality: Myths vs. Facts
- Health Care by the Numbers
- Cost of Inaction

- List of Supporters
- Letters of Support

Revenue Provisions:
- Health Care Surcharge and Households
- Health Care Surcharge and Small Businesses

- Health Bill Would Raise Less Revenue Than Reagan and Bush Tax Increases
- How the Health Care Surcharge Works
Summary of Revenue Provisions

Fact Sheets:
District-by-District Health Care Fact Sheets
- The Health Insurance Exchange
- Public Health Insurance Option
- Shared Responsibility
- Guaranteed Benefits
- Making Coverage Affordable
- Consumer Protections and Insurance Market Reforms
- Employers and Health Reform
- Strengthening the Nation’s Health Workforce
- Delivery System Reform
- Protecting Program Integrity by Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse
- Strengthening Medicare
- Improving the Medicare Part D Drug Program
- Maintaining and Improving Medicaid
- Preventing Disease and Improving the Public’s Health
- Rural America 

FACT CHECK: Helpful Links on Health Reform

- White House Health Care Web Page - Reality Check
- Energy and Commerce Committee Health Care Web Page
- Ways and Means Committee Health Care Web Page
- Education and Labor Committee Health Care Web Page
- Speaker's Office Daily Mythbusters

Information from the White House

President Obama’s Health Care Reform Web Site 

Health Insurance Consumer Protections (7/28/09)

Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform, Small Business and Your Questions (7/25/09)

Weekly Address: Health Care Reform Cannot Wait (7/18/09)

Statement by the President on the Health Care Reform Legislation Introduced in the House Today (7/14/09)

Statement by the President on Health Care Reform Bill Released by Senate HELP Committee Today (7/2/09)

Director Orszag on Health Care Reform: Higher Quality for Lower Costs (6/16/09)

Share Your Story and Ideas About Why We Need Health Reform This Year 

Click here to view archived information from the White House 

Statements from Leadership & Committees

Office of the Majority Leader:

Pelosi and Hoyer Statement on Progress of Health Reform Legislation (7/29/09)

Hoyer Remarks at Democratic Leadership Press Conference on Health Care Reform (7/27/09)

Hoyer Statement on CBO Score of House Health Reform Bill (7/20/09)

Hoyer Statement on Introduction of America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (7/14/09)

Hoyer: Containing Health Care Costs for Families and Businesses Key to Reform (7/13/09)

Hoyer Statement on President’s Speech to AMA on Health Care Reform (6/15/09)

Click here to view archived statements from the Majority Leader 

Office of the Speaker:

Pelosi and Hoyer Statement on Progress of Health Reform Legislation (7/29/09)

Pelosi Remarks at Press Availability on Health Insurance Reform (7/27/09)

Pelosi Remarks at Press Conference Today on Health Care Reform and Medical Costs (7/22/09)

Pelosi Statement on New CBO Score on Health Reform Legislation (7/20/09)

Pelosi Remarks at Press Conference on Introduction of Health Care Legislation (7/14/09)

Pelosi Remarks at Press Conference on Health Care Reform for the Middle Class (7/13/09)

Pelosi Statement on President Obama’s Speech to AMA on Urgent Need for Health Care Reform (6/15/09)

Click here to view archived statement from the Speaker

Additional Leadership, Committees, Caucuses & Members:

Blue Dog Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation in the House (7/29/09)

Charlie Wilson: Who is helped by health care reform? (7/29/09)

CBO Affirms H.R. 3200 Provides Targeted Assistance, Supports Employer-Sponsored Coverage and Refutes Lewin Estimates (Tri-Committees, 7/26/09)

Rep. Ross Statement on Progress of Health Care Reform (7/22/09)

CBO Scores Confirms Deficit Neutrality of Health Reform Bill (Committee on Energy & Commerce, 7/20/09)

Ed & Labor Approves Historic Health Reform Bill; Reforms One Step Closer for Americans (7/17/09)

Ways and Means Passes Historic Health Reform Legislation (7/17/09)

Blue Dogs: “We are committed to passing health care reform that lowers costs and improves quality for all Americans” (7/16/09)

The Need For Health Care Reform (7/13/09)

House Democrats Introduce Bill to Provide Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans (7/14/09)

Blue Dog Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation (7/14/09)

Rep. Melancon: “Blue Dogs are committed to passing health care reform that works” (7/10/09)

CBO: House Discussion Draft Yields More Than $500 Billion in Savings from Medicare Improvements (Committee on Ways & Means, 7/8/09)

Ways and Means Focuses on Health Reform Proposals to Reduce Costs, Protect Current Coverage and Preserve Choice for Patients to Ensure Affordable Care (6/24/09)

Public Option Framework (New Democrat Coalition, 6/11/09)

Click here to view archived statements from Leadership, Committees & Caucuses

Reports & Fact Sheets

Health Care Checkup: A line-by-line rebuttal to false email (Democratic Leadership, 8/4/09)

Frequently Asked Questions: HR 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (Committee on Ways & Means, 7/31/09)

Myths vs. Facts: HR 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (Committee on Ways & Means, 7/31/09)

Small Businesses Are Drowning Under the Rising Costs of Health Care (Office of the Majority Leader, 7/28/09)
American Families Need Health Care Reform (Office of the Majority Leader, 7/28/09)

CBO Letter on Health Care Costs (7/26/09)

Report: Health Care Premiums Run Amok (Center for American Progress, 7/24/09)

Report: The Economic Effects of Health Care Reform On Small Businesses and Their Employees (White House Council of Economic Advisors, 7/25/09)

Profiles of Latino Health: The Top 12 Questions About Latinos and Health Care (National Council of La Raza, Spring 2009)

How Health Care Reform Can Lower the Costs of Insurance Administration (Commonwealth Fund, 7/16/09)

Report: Failure to Protect: Why the Individual Insurance Market Is Not a Viable Option for Most U.S. Families (Commonwealth Fund, 7/21/09)

Health Care Update: Reform Policies of America’s Affordable Health Choices Act Are Deficit Neutral (7/20/09)

Chart: The Republican Study Committee Proposal (Office of the Speaker, 7/20/09)

Americans Want Quality, Affordable Health Care This Year (Office of the Speaker, 7/13/09)

Democrats Take Health Care On the Road (Office of the Majority Leader, 7/10/09)

Costly and Dangerous Treatments Weigh Down Health Care (Center for American Progress, 7/9/2009)

PAPER: Is the Public Plan Option a Necessary Part of Health Reform? (Urban Institute, 2009)

House Democrats Lay Groundwork for Health Care Reform with 79 Hearings Since 2007 (Office of the Majority Leader, 7/8/09)

Every State Needs Health Care Reform - 50 State Fact Sheets (Center for American Progress, 7/7/09)

CBO Report: Preliminary Estimate of the Effects on Direct Spending and Revenues of Division B, Titles I-VII and Section 1872, of the House Tri-Committee Health Reform Discussion Draft (7/7/09)

Majority of Americans Support Health Care Reform (Office of the Majority Leader, 7/7/09)

Analysis: Finding Resources for Health Reform and Bending the Health Care Cost Curve (Commonwealth Fund, 7/2/2009)

STATE REPORTS: The Health Care Status Quo in Your State (DHHS, 6/27/2009)

PROPOSAL: Financing Health Reform: A Plan to Ensure the Cost of Reform is Budget Neutral (Center for American Progress, June 2009)

REPORT: Hidden Costs of Health Care: Why Americans are Paying MORE but Getting LESS (DHHS, 6/23/2009)

REPORT: Unaffordable: Health Insurance Coverage Keeps Shrinking As Premiums, Family Costs Continue Climbing (Health Care for America Now, 6/23/2009)

POLL: Government and Health Care in the United States (New York Times, 6/20/2009)

Poll: Consumer Confidence in Health Care Drops 1.3 Points in May (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 6/17/2009)

Poll: Public Opinion on Health Care Issues (Kaiser Family Foundation, June 2009)

State Data: Health Care Competition (Center for American Progress, June 2009)

Countering The Luntz Memo (Media Matters Action Network, 6/18/09)

The Real Language Of Health Care (Media Matters Action Network, 6/18/09)

Republican Prescription for Disaster: Myths vs. Facts on Health Care Reform (Office of the Majority Leader, 6/16/09)

Click here to view archived reports & fact sheets

Articles, Editorials and Op-eds

Hoyer Op-Ed: Health reform too good to pass up (CNN.com, 7/31/09)

Hoyer Says Democrats Going on Offense Over August (Roll Call, 7/30/09)

U.S. Pays $2.5 Trillion for Care Costing $912 Billion (Bloomberg, 7/28/09)

A Look at Health Care Plans in Congress (Associated Press, 7/29/09)

CBO Boosts Obama’s Health Plan (Washington Times, 7/28/09)

Republicans Yet to Reveal Their Own Health Care Bill (Politico, 7/27/09)

Wider Employer-Provided Coverage Projected Under House Plan (New York Times, 7/26/09)

Focus on Health Savings Obscures Other Issues (Washington Post, 7/26/09)

Reach of Subsidies is Critical Issue for Health Plan (New York Times, 7/26/09)

Obama: Health Plan Would Buoy Small Businesses (The Hill, 7/25/09)

Obama Turns Health Care Focus to Families, Voters (New York Times, 7/23/09)

White House Official Links Health Care Plan to Fiscal Balance (New York Times, 7/22/09)

Obama’s New Term: ‘Insurance Reform’ (Politico, 7/22/09)

Obama: Health Reform Crucial to Rebuilding Economy (Reuters, 7/22/09)

Providers Endorse ‘Pay for Value’ Proposals (Washington Post, 7/22/09)

Obama Ups Ante on Health-Care Overhaul (Wall Street Journal, 7/22/09)

Poll: Confidence Grows for Health Costs, Access (Associated Press, 7/21/09)

Obama Not Stressing Aug. Deadline (Politico, 7/18/09)

President Is Set to ‘Take the Baton’ (Washington Post, 7/20/09)

Obama: Health care reform essential to stability (Associated Press, 7/15/2009)

Obama Aides Say President is Lobbying Furiously for Health Bill (Roll Call, 7/15/2009)

House Bill Would Make Health Care A Right (Associated Press, 7/15/2009)

POLL: Americans Want Health-Care Bill, But Not Cost (USA Today, 7/13/2009)

Obama's Focus on Health Care Will Be Crucial to Reform (Washington Post, 7/12/2009)

Health Care Negotiator With Instinct for the Deal (New York Times, 7/12/2009)

For Doctors in Congress, Little Harmony on Health Care (New York Times, 7/11/2009)

Blue Dog Democrats Hold Up Health Overhaul Bill in House (USA Today, 7/9/2009)

Obama Budget Chief Says Health Bill ‘Not Enough’ to Fix System (Bloomberg News, 7/9/2009)

Obama Welcomes Progress on Health Care Overhaul (Associated Press, 7/7/2009)

Hospitals Reach Deal With Administration (Washington Post, 7/7/2009)

White House Open to Deal on Public Health Plan (Wall Street Journal, 7/7/2009)

Obama Calls Dems to Talk Health Care (Politico, 7/2/2009)

New Poll: Majority Supports Government-Run Health Option (Roll Call, 7/1/2009)

Wal-Mart Gets Behind Idea of Employers Helping to Expand Health Care (CQ Today, 6/30/2009)

Obama Steers Health Debate Out of Capital (New York Times, 6/29/2009)

Sebelius Sees Room for U.S. Health Cooperative, Few GOP Votes (Bloomberg News, 6/27/2009)

Americans struggle to pay for healthcare (Reuters, 6/21/09)

Dodd Reiterates Support for Public Plan in Health Care Bill (Roll Call, 6/18/2009)

Report: Health Care Costs to Rise 9 Pct in 2010 (Associated Press, 6/18/2009)

Obama Open to Reining in Medical Suits (New York Times, 6/15/2009)

Obama: Health System a ‘Time Bomb’ (Politico, 6/14/2009)

Centrist Dems Raise Big Concerns (Politico, 6/12/2009)

Obama Administration Finds Health-Care Model in Green Bay (Washington Post, 6/11/2009)

Click here to view archived news stories


Click here to view the health care reform clearinghouse archive