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Receiving the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can be a frightening moment for both the patient and the family. It is important to realize that there is help available. There are opportunities to connect with other survivors and caregivers, attend support groups and educational meetings, and request assistance with financial or insurance issues.

Don't go it alone. Get support.


Personal Connections:  PanCAN's Survivor and Caregiver Network

There is nothing quite like talking to someone who's been through it.  Share experiences, ask questions and get support by talking to others with similar experiences through PanCAN's Survivor and Caregiver Network


Support & Networking Groups

Learn how to connect with others through in-person, telephone and online support groups.  More...



Read stories of hope and words of wisdom from pancreatic cancer survivors.  More...


Educational Events

Attend conferences or participate in telephone workshops to learn more about pancreatic cancer.  Click here for meetings and conferences for pancreatic cancer patients and their friends and family.


Support for Children and Families

Family members need support and encouragement, too.  Some support resources offer information and services specifically for caregivers, family members and children.  Learn more.


Insurance/Job Related Issues

If you are having trouble with your insurance company or with your job due to your illness, click here to learn who to contact and what to do. You are not alone.





















  The information and services provided by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Inc. (PanCAN) are for informational purposes only. The information and services are not intended to be substitutes for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are ill, or suspect that you are ill, see a doctor immediately! PanCAN does not recommend or endorse any specific physicians, products or treatments even though they may be mentioned on this site.
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