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#1Respiratory Hospital in the U.S.

U.S. News & World Report
Twelve Consecutive Years.

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The Picture of National Jewish Health

H1N1 Flu Information

Flu season is around the corner, and it's important to take certain precautions to protect you and your family. We've compiled some information about H1N1, its symptoms and preventive steps you can take to stay healthy. Learn more.

Health Information

School buses

Back-to-School Asthma Management
In addition to school supplies and new clothes, parents of children with asthma need to make extra preparations to ensure a safe school year.

View a full list of conditions we treat.
View our multimedia library.

Research & Science


Insurance, Medical Provider Not Enough
To Assure Asthma Control

New research indicates that elementary and middle school students need more than just insurance and a family physician to achieve asthma control.

Programs & Services

Pediatric Behavioral Health
In addition to treating children with chronic illness, we provide mental health services to non-ill children and their families for a variety of psychological issues.

Education & Training

Kunsberg School
Kunsberg School allows children with chronic illnesses to learn and play in an environment structured to meet their individual medical needs. School starts on August 17th; have you enrolled yet? Enrollment Info

Kunsberg children at their desks

About Us

We seek to transform patient care from reactive to being both proactive and personalized. This helps us predict, prevent, and detect diseases and intervene early to keep people healthy before illness interrupts their lives. Learn more.

NewsNational Jewish Health RSS Feed

August 19, 2009
Avoiding the September Epidemic 

August 18, 2009
National Jewish Health Partners with Healthier Environment Living Program  

August 5, 2008
Avoiding Infection When Returning to School 

More News

In the News

Articles about the institution and its faculty that appear in outside media sources 

August 24, 2009
H1N1 and Seasonal Flu: Multiple Doses, Many Questions 
USA Today

July 17, 2009
Late Author Leaves $10 Million to National Jewish Health
Denver Post