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America On The Move®

America On The Move® (AOM) is a national initiative dedicated to helping individuals and communities across the country make positive changes to improve health and quality of life. AOM inspires people of all ages to have fun, shows simple ways to become more active by engaging individuals through interactive media, and supports community involvement and behavior change.

AOM's commitment to promoting health and increasing physical activity supports the CSREES strategic goal of improving the nation's nutrition and health behaviors. This goal is implemented by CSREES in partnership with the land-grant university system through educational outreach efforts conducted by the university Cooperative Extension System (CES) for individuals, families, and communities. CES educators work to improve Americans' health and the environment to support healthy food choices and increase physical activity.

In partnership, CSREES and AOM can effectively reach out as a national program to empower individuals, families, and communities to meet their nutrition and physical activity needs and goals, and to adopt positive behaviors to improve health and quality of life.

The AOM/CSREES partnership offers CES professionals the opportunity to:

  • access AOM resources without administrative challenges or barriers. One such AOM resource provides tools to incorporate walking/physical activity messages into existing extension programming through a 6-week AOM walking program.

  • be an established part of the AOM online community with readily available and affordable nutrition and physical activity resources;

  • benefit from an online participant tracking, storage, and retrieval system for use with walking promotion programs;

  • share subject expertise and educational materials on nutrition and physical activity; and

  • interact with the AOM community and other public health partners.


AOM/CES Promotional Brochure: America On the Move and The Cooperative Extension Service: Partners for Healthy Living describes the goal of the partnership, lists the partnership states, and includes program contact information. It is available as a PDF and may be duplicated for promotional use at extension state meetings, events, and mailings to county agents and educators.

CES Partnership Educational Resource: A Partnership Guide for Walking and Healthy Living was designed by CSREES and America on the Move for use with ongoing classes and presentations of CES programs. The guide provides a 6-week walking promotion curriculum with lessons ranging from 5 to 20 minutes. The program is flexible and offers two teaching formats, lesson plans, handouts, data collection forms in both English and Spanish, additional resources, and program contact information. It is available as a PDF and may be duplicated for CES programs. If you use the guide, please provide feedback to Shirley Gerrior, to include where it was used, audience reached, used short or long version, what data collected (if any), and corrections to the guide.

AOM Brochure: Describes the America On the Move program and includes steps baseline table and a 6-week log tracking form to help program participants get moving. This brochure is referenced in A Partnership Guide for Walking and Healthy Living and used as a handout in Walking Guide lessons. It is available as a PDF in English and in Spanish and can both be downloaded for class use.     

CES Partnership Database: A partnership database control panel was created for use only by partnership state institutions. It links to a database that allows for the collection and retrieval of important data related to walking or other types of physical activity programs and provides a number of useful features to store, retrieve, and collect participant walking data at the local and state level. Created with the extension county agents and educators in mind, this database includes the ability to:

  • calculate average steps by each class that agent/educator has taught;

  • view or calculate county average mileage;

  • look for or calculate average steps per walker and for each class at county level;

  • view team participant demographics by county;

  • view team mileage summary for county by class; and

  • view participant age groups by county.

Also, the data collected may be useful to program accountability and evaluation. The database control panel is available to extension specialists and county agents, educators, and others working in extension-based programs in those states supporting the partnerships. To find out if your state is participating, contact your Family and Consumer Science program director or leader. Check the directory to locate your director or program leader.

Learn how your state can become a partner with America on the Move  and CSREES.  Listen to the audio clip and follow along with the PowerPoint presentation as the benefits and requirements in becoming a partner are explained.

Contact Shirley Gerrior, CSREES national program leader, for partnership information or questions about the partnership database.



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